Gamepedia no longer working with Amazon search

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Gamepedia no longer working with Amazon search

Post by lonnym »

Today I got an error when trying to add a game (via UPC), saying there was something wrong with my Amazon partner information. (The same information still appears to be working fine on DVDPedia, btw). I tried creating a new AWS access key/secret key pair, but when I try to enter it I get an error saying "AWS Access Key ID: <key deleted>. You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a slower rate."
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Re: Gamepedia no longer working with Amazon search

Post by FineWine »

Amazon are becoming very strict with AWS and really want those members to start selling lots of products on their site.

Conor has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID. To enable this "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search.

Also here is a tip: Choose the search sites relevant to your collections by Ticking the appropriate ones in: Preferences > Sites. By ticking only those sites relevant to your collections not only enables you to gather more precise data but it will also be faster in search times. Whilst in this Preference, drag & drop your relevant search sites upto the top of the list in order of your site preference. Again this will speed up search times.

Hope this helps
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