Duplicate checks on Import

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Duplicate checks on Import

Post by FineWine »

Never noticed this before:

DVDpedia on importing (dragging to Dock icon) a downloaded movie stored on your hard-drive, the program does not check your main Library or any Collections for an already existing entry. It just creates and stores the link in an "imported Links" collection. Though it does check for duplicates within that Imported Links" Collection.

Now I do have my downloaded movies in a separate Collection "Downloaded Movies" but that Collection is also included in the main Library.

It would be handy to have a duplicate check across all Collections and the main Library for ALL imports. :D
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Re: Duplicate checks on Import

Post by Conor »

Should pick up the duplicate no matter where it is in your collection. After the import of a duplicate are the URLs in the link section the same? As this is what DVDpedia checks for duplicates, not the actual title or filename but the full location of the file.
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Re: Duplicate checks on Import

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:Should pick up the duplicate no matter where it is in your collection. After the import of a duplicate are the URLs in the link section the same? As this is what DVDpedia checks for duplicates, not the actual title or filename but the full location of the file.
Ah Ha thats what it checks. I thought it checked on the Title. As I have rearranged my downloaded movie folders locations then all the links will be different.

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Re: Duplicate checks on Import

Post by Conor »

If you have rearranged them in a way that you can find/replace in the URL to make them the same again, then we can do via the SQL backend, so that all the links will again match and you can rely on the skip duplicates function.
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Re: Duplicate checks on Import

Post by FineWine »

Thank you Conor, I only have 53 downloaded movies so corrected all manually. :D
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