CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

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CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by DanThe »

CDpedia 5.4.2

I have look in this forum but did not find any reports on this issue.

I have a lot of album from French artists and I have noticed that when I click on a linked track that has a title with an accent in the Details view, it will not play in iTunes. Since you might not own french albums, I think I found a way that you can test this. Not 100% sure that it will work though.

1. Launch Finder.

2. Go to /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music

3. In the Music folder create a folder called Album Test as the artist name.

4. Go into the Album Test folder and create a folder called Music Album as the album name.

5. Populate the Music Album folder with copies of 6 M4A files from your iTunes collection (preferably from the same album).

6. Launch iTunes and click on File -> Add to Library...

7. Add the 6 music files in /Users/<username>/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Album Test/Music Album

8. Find the newly added 6 track album in iTunes then rename the artist to Album Test and rename the album title to Music Album.

9. In iTunes, rename each track with the following track names.

Perdus dans le même décor
Tes manières m'intriguent
Zola à vélo
À toutes les fois
Où est passée la noce?
Harmonie du soir à Châteauguay

10. Launch CDpedia and add this newly created album the Library.

If this worked, you should have an album with the 6 tracks linked to to the files in iTunes.

At this point you should be able to click on any of the tracks in the Details view but they should not play even though they appears to be linked to the iTunes files.

Let me know if you can reproduce this.
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by DanThe »


Looking back at my steps to reproduce this issue, I realize now that I made the explanation more complicated than it needed to be.

I recently found out that I can right click on a linked track and copy the link used by CDpedia.

Here is a track with no accents and the CDpedia link.

Track Name: Faire quelque chose
Link: pedia://playTrackNamed=Faire%20quelque%20chose

Here is a track with an accent and the CDpedia link.

Track Name: Hypnotisé
Link: pedia://playTrackNamed=Hypnotis%E9

The é shows as %E9 in the link to iTunes.

Another issue that I found (I think this has been reported) is that links only looks for the track name and ignores the album title. This explains why the CDpedia track link picks the first occurence of that track name that appears on several albums then plays it.

This is really annoying when a track name is on a studio and live album. If I’m looking at playing the studio album track, it plays the the live version of that track instead.

While on the topic, is there a way to play a completed album from CDpedia instead of a single track?

Hopefully this better explains this issue.
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by Conor »

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the follow up. I got the issue with the accent from the first post with all the details an actually have it open as a tab in Safari, to get fixed. I had not responded as I had hoped to get it fixed the same day and then respond but I have not had the time to actually address it yet. I apologize for not mentioning that I had read the post and was working on it, earlier.

Kind regards,
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by Conor »

Fixed in the latest beta.
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by DanThe »

Hi Conor.

I have come across another instance where accents are preventing a track from playing. This is when the album artist is labeled as Various Artist.

1. To test this, pick any album and open it for editing.
2. Select the Tracks tab.
3. Edit any track and add an artist in the Artists column.
4. Make sure that the artist has an accent in the name.
5. Click OK.

The track still shows as being linked but it will not play. If the accent is removed, the track will play.
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by Conor »

Hi Dan,

Thank you so much for the exact steps and details. I am not able to repeat it, in my latest version that I am preparing for release, but I have made changes to play function. Please try beta 73 of CDpedia and let me know if that still the case and I'll try some more.
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by DanThe »

Hi Conor.

It did not work for me. The track still will not play. I have included this folder link to Dropbox where I have copied 3 screen shots. One is the track information from iTunes and the other 2 are the album view and track list in the edit screen.

Note that in iTunes, I have "Richard Séguin" as the Artist and "Various Artists" for the Album Artist. I hope that these images will help visualize how I have set things up on my side. ... tyDqa?dl=0
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Re: CDpedia - Linked Tracks With Accents Won't Play

Post by Conor »

Thank you so much for the testing and the additional info.

I have downloaded the files and will look at recreating the bug tomorrow, more thoroughly
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