You have to use the program called Terminal in your Utilities folder to accomplish the move directly on the database file using SQL commands.
1. Quit DVDpedia
2. Navigate to your home folder ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd and make a duplicate copy of that file as backup.
3. Open Terminal
4. Copy paste the following command one line at a time (update "custom1" to the correct custom field number):
Code: Select all
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd
update zEntry set zTags = zCustom1 WHERE ztags is NULL;
5. Launch DVDpedia and the custom field should have been copied to the tags field, where the tags where empty.
6. Use DVDpedia to select all the entries and use the multi-edit to blank out the custom field and recover it.
If you already have some tags in the tags field then the you need to run one more SQL command before the ".exit" command above. This second command would update those entries where tags already exist and merge the two fields:
Code: Select all
update zEntry set zTags = zTags || ', ' || zCustom1 WHERE zTags is not NULL;