I am trying to sync my Main Mac (Leopard) with my second older mac (Tiger). I copied my Main Mac Application Support folder over to the older mac Application Support folder and launched DVDpedia. When I do I get an error that states:
Incorrect Database Version.
The database model has a different version. Please send your database file to the support email and describe the steps you took.
I had downloaded the newest version 4.1.1. I even went back and redownloaded both of them to be sure no silent updates had occurred on my main Mac (Leopard). So as it sits right now, both are the latest versions at 4.1.1.
I figured out the issue though, it was a permission error on the Tiger support folder. Didn't have write permissions. I updated that and all is good to go. As usual, not your software, just me missing something.
Version 4.1.2 I added a check so that the error will be more detailed. It will actually report that it's a permissions error instead of the generic error. Thank you for letting us know that might be a confusion.