I am trying to enter several multi-set TV shows I recently purchased on DVD. In brief, it does not work.
Imdb does have all the correct information for the series, for example. However, using the name of the series plus episode number does not work. Series name plus episode name also does not work. Episode name alone does not work. Even the UPC number does not work.
Is there any way to get the information or do I have to enter everything manually?
Thanks. But, if you mean drag the URL to the DVDpedia "add" search window, I have tried it already and that does not work. It just says it can't find it.
Many thanks. That was the problem - I used the add window. It now works. Here is the URL if you want to try yourself: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293812/
I am adding to this thread because I have found a new problem. Unfortunately the problem is more with the IMdb, not so much with DVDPedia.
I have just bought three seasons of "Inspector Morse" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092379/). IMdb has all of the series episodes on one page. So, I cannot drag and drop. Also, since I did not buy the American version of the series, not everything fits. I certainly don't mind editing the data after it is downloaded, but at this point, I don't know even where to start!
TV series are tricky, especially on IMDb. DVDpedia also relies on the cover image on the DVD details page, if there isn't one for the main page and this is why you get the a different cover, as in this case they list a number of Inspector Morse DVDs. Amazon is a good initial source of information for TV series as they tend to list the information as sold (the season box set). To this you can then add the IMDb information, using the gear button on the lower right.
Thanks, Conor. I tried the British Amazon and that worked.
I think, unfortunately, DVDpedia is not currently designed for television show DVDs. For example, each of the Inspector Morse sets (season) has four different shows. There seems to be no place to enter that information. There is also no way to enter the different cast or director or writer for each episode.
From what I have seen, tv.com has the most compatible and complete information for television series.
As, I think, TV show DVDs are becoming more popular, perhaps DVDpedia could add features that are specifically for TV shows, rather than only films. But, thanks very much for the help and the great product in any case.
Just found this thread and it fits what I'm trying to do with my Touched By An Angel episodes that I've recorded from TV. IMDB has some information, but TV.com has the best descriptions/summaries. I drag the URL from IMDB and then manually copy/paste the TV.com summaries. It's just much more time-consuming. Especially when I'll be doing it for almost 200 episodes.
But unless TV.com was given as another plugin, it would be difficult to pull from both sites without manual intervention.