You can download a sample plug-in from
here. (At the moment the plug-in is set to look at our site and take out the version number and a screenshot.)
To use the new project and make it work you have to place a copy of where the plug-in is created because there is a script included that will automatically place the plug-in in and launch the program when you build the plug-in.
You want to place the program in both "Products/Debug/" and "Products/Release/" (you can find out the full path by doing 'get info' on the project file).
Once that's done, look for Executables on the left-hand side of the window and ctrl-click it to choose 'Add new'. Name the new executable Bookpedia and point it to your copy of Bookpedia in "Products/Debug/". Now you can use build and debug (command-y) to test your plug-in.
The great advantage of this is you can ctrl-click on the code and say 'add breakpoint' and the debugger will come up and stop the program at that point and you can step through each instruction and see the variables change.
Also this plug-in is old, so we don't use our own convenience methods but you will see them in the controller header that you can use the methods to pull out sections from strings instead of using the NSScanner:
NSString *aTitle = [results stringBetween:@"<title>" and:@"</title>"];