pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

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pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

Hi, when I sync to pocketpedia, only the global library is synced, not the various collections I have set up in dvdpedia such as "recently added" or "French" or "the 60's", etc. In order to get those to sync, I have to select one of them in dvdpedia and restart the syncing process in pocketpedia, and so on for as many collections that have been changed since the last sync. Can this be fixed please? Thank you.
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

Apologies for a late reply.

I personally have no problems with bringing across all my Collections & Folders in one Sync per Pedia.

In your case you are referring to the Regular Collection/s which have a blue folder icon. Where the Main Library has an orange folder icon.
Have a read of this Help article: The different collections

As well read this Help article: Pocketpedia for your iPhone and iPad

Please have a read of this Topic: Pedia Maintenance Practices

Also please post what version of desktop Pedia & iOS version you are using. Most Pedia users are using the desktop Beta versions which are very stable: https://bruji.com/beta/

EDIT: made less confussing :D
Last edited by FineWine on Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Make it less confussing
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

Hi. Thank you for answering. However I don't really understand what you mean by regular collections as opposed to others that can't be used in these forums. Greetings.
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

I have Edited my original post.

Let us know how you get on. :D
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

Pocketpedia doesn't sync anymore !!!
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

Sorry to here you are still having problems sync'ing with Pocketpedia.

If you have read, understood and followed all the above links information, all I can suggest is that you totally delete the Pocketpedia app off your iDevice, cold reboot your iDevice and reinstall the Pocketpedia and attempt to sync.

Please ensure that you visit on your iDevice: “Settings -> Pocketpedia -> local network”. There will be a "local network” access checkbox, make sure it’s checked so that Pocketpedia has access to receive data from the relevant pedia on the local network. You might have to relaunch Pocketpedia by swiping up in the app picker, that is initiated by swiping up from the bottom edge of the screen.

Let us know how you go :D
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

I did what you suggested. With the newly downlopaded pocketpedia app on my iphone, it still won't sync. I get a notification on my mac saying: "Pocketpedia is trying to synchronize data for the first time. Allow the connection?" I click "allow" and nothing happens…
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

You can only have one Pedia open on your iMac at a time, so ensure you Quit all but one etc. So after you click "Allow" on your iMac, then on your iDevice within Pocketpedia a sync'ing progress circle should appear. After the sync'ing process then the relevant pedia should appear in Pocketpedia. You now need to go through the same process for each pedia one at a time.

Please be patient as the bigger the data base the longer the sync.

You do not say whether you see a a sync'ing progress circle within Pocketpedia after you "Allow" on your iMac. If you do not see a sync'ing progress circle then there is something not working within the home network connection between your iMac and your iDevice.

So you may have to clear your Network Settings on your iDevice: Go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset [Device] > Reset > Reset Network Settings. This also resets Wi-Fi networks and their relevant passwords.

After you have reconnected to your Home Network you can now restart the whole sync'ing process again.

Please let us know how you get on. AND PLEASE provide iMacOS version and iDevice version and Pedia version numbers.
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

macosx catalina 10.15.7, ios 15.6.1, DVDPedia 6.2.1 Network reset, - no syncing progress circle…
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

And smart collections are desperately empty !
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

This must becoming very frustrating for you. You have exactly the same OS's as I have. Plus DVDpedia 6.2.1 beta 231

Let us uninstall your DVDpedia except for your database and start afresh.

I achieve this by using a FREE program called AppCleaner which you can download from here. On using this App place a check mark IN ALL the boxes EXCEPT:~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia , which is the second line down from the top. This is where your data base is located. Ensure that is NOT ticked.

You will loose your Preference settings though but they only take a couple of minutes to redo.


2 - These are the Folders and Files that should be in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/ .



The above entries in blue are Folders do not delete them or their contents.

AND of course do not delete: Database.dvdpd

BUT DO DELETE Pocketpedia.dvdpd

The Files with the suffix; .shm & .wal can be deleted as they are changed and recreated automatically again on each starting up of your pedia. You can think of them as a temporary index cache files. The Database and Backup files are self explanatory so not advisable to delete those. The .xml are again a type of index file for your autofill fields and are important so do not delete those two. You can clean these up to some extend within each Pedia's Preferences > Autofill.

Cheers - good luck
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

Thank you Fine Wine. That helped. I got my smart collections back.

However, pocketpedia syncing still doesn't work…
as well as saving to doghouse (so maybe a problem with exterior connections?)

I installed dvdpedia beta 6.2.1 -

and cover flow doesn't seem to work…

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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by FineWine »

Well I have run out of ideas now. So perhaps you can try and contact support@bruji.com
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

I tried contacting the support… to no avail…
I can't sync to pocketpedia or export to doghouse.
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Re: pocketpedia syncing only one collection at a time

Post by inthemood »

I reverted to DVDpedia 5.5.0 and was able to contribute to doghouse. However syncing to pocketpedia still doesn't work… No news from support…
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