ALL covers are syncing EVERY TIME to iPhone

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ALL covers are syncing EVERY TIME to iPhone

Post by suzoz »

Every time I try to sync Bookpedia to my Pocketpedia, even if I've only added a handful of changes, all 8600+ covers re-sync. I recently got a new phone, but it's the same model as my previous one, with just more memory. I'm in the middle of my third full sync in two days. Help!
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Re: ALL covers are syncing EVERY TIME to iPhone

Post by FineWine »

It sounds like it may not be completely finishing the sync. So because you have such a large data base try the following

1 - Go into the relevant macOS pedia, hold down the Option key and from the Help menu choose 'Export for Pocketpedia' and export the resulting file to Desktop. (this creates a file with all the covers and info that you can then sync via macOS Finder) [It's quite large as it contains all the covers regardless if Pocketpedia already has them]
2 - Connect your iDevice via cable to your Mac
3 - Open Finder and select your iDevice on the left under Locations
4 - Let all the automatic Sync'ing and Backup processes complete
5 - Click on the Files tab in Finder iDevice window. Pocketpedia should be listed here
6 - Click on the Pocketpedia entry drop arrow
7 - IF there is an entry with or without data in it - Delete by right clicking
8 - Drag the newly exported file from the Desktop onto the Pocketpedia Files section and Drop it on top of the Pocketpedia entry to import
9 - When it has finished copying the file, (which may take some time - spinning Beachball) run Pocketpedia to have it import the file and all the covers.
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