Column Width To Stick?
Column Width To Stick?
Is there a way to make the column width stick after adjustment? Specifically, when I go to the tracks section, (there is only the "Name" and "Artist" column) and attempt to widen the "Artist" column by dragging the header bar (or, whatever it is called) and close the app, and reopen the app and return to the same item afterward the column resorts back to the original narrow width.
Re: Column Width To Stick?
Hope I can help.
I think this might be what you are looking for.
If you want to keep a particular View layout for a set of columns and make it the default set for all future collections you create, go to: Menu Bar > View and choose:
Set as Default Columns - Saves the current set of columns as the default set for all future collections.
Apply Default Columns - Applies the default set of columns to the selected collection.
1 - These Default settings applies to the type of columns as well as columns widths and positions including their Sort criteria.
2 - If in the future you carry out a change to this setting then you will have to select Set as Default Columns again
To change the position of a column, click on a column header and drag it left or right to its new position.
To resize a column, point to the vertical line between columns. When the pointer changes, drag the column to its new size.
Double-clicking the divider between columns (where the cursor changes) will open the column to its ideal width, i.e. to the width of the longest entry in that particular column.
You can also add more columns: Menu Bar > View > Columns . A faster way to select what columns are displayed is to right-click (control-click) a column header and choose from the pop-up menu which columns you'd like.
As to Sorting your Collection in the View panel have a read here ... ml#sorting
Hope this was helpful
I think this might be what you are looking for.
If you want to keep a particular View layout for a set of columns and make it the default set for all future collections you create, go to: Menu Bar > View and choose:
Set as Default Columns - Saves the current set of columns as the default set for all future collections.
Apply Default Columns - Applies the default set of columns to the selected collection.
1 - These Default settings applies to the type of columns as well as columns widths and positions including their Sort criteria.
2 - If in the future you carry out a change to this setting then you will have to select Set as Default Columns again
To change the position of a column, click on a column header and drag it left or right to its new position.
To resize a column, point to the vertical line between columns. When the pointer changes, drag the column to its new size.
Double-clicking the divider between columns (where the cursor changes) will open the column to its ideal width, i.e. to the width of the longest entry in that particular column.
You can also add more columns: Menu Bar > View > Columns . A faster way to select what columns are displayed is to right-click (control-click) a column header and choose from the pop-up menu which columns you'd like.
As to Sorting your Collection in the View panel have a read here ... ml#sorting
Hope this was helpful

Re: Column Width To Stick?
FineWine, many thanks for your help! I was not aware of those tips, and they will come in handy!