Scanning this barcode with Amazon US only as the source:
results in a record without much data - a title, Redemption [the book is called Thankful, so the title is not right], and the URL field has ... irect.html filled in.
This has happened with several books I've been scanning. All other fields are left blank, which is very odd.
Beta 124 on 10.13.6 The Amazon Settings button shows the associate ID as pedia01-20
Amazon search no longer works
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Thank you for the details. Try Beta 125 although the changes were very small, so it might have been a temporary change. If you are still not seeing the correct title let me know.
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Just downloaded/installed beta125...same issue persists. I can't get accurate results from Bookpedia with Amazon US as the only source.
I scanned this barcode:
And I got a record with 2 fields filled out:
Title: Darkness Series Boxed Set
URL: ... irect.html
Note, that if I fill in the ASIN in Bookpedia, clear the URL and Title fields and use the cog wheel to fetch data from Amazon, then the entry is populated accurately.
EDIT: The actual result should have been this Amazon record: ... 43&s=books
I scanned this barcode:
And I got a record with 2 fields filled out:
Title: Darkness Series Boxed Set
URL: ... irect.html
Note, that if I fill in the ASIN in Bookpedia, clear the URL and Title fields and use the cog wheel to fetch data from Amazon, then the entry is populated accurately.
EDIT: The actual result should have been this Amazon record: ... 43&s=books
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Since I have a lot of books to enter, I did some playing around. I was able to get Bookpedia to give the proper results only when not using Amazon Test from the Help Menu and instead using my own Affiliate/Associates ID instead.
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Thank you for taking the time to give me the extra info to help me track down the issue.
As when I search for that ISBN I do get the proper result f the Lord of the Rings.
If you search by ASIN directly do you get the proper result as well or just when using the cog wheel? Do try signing out of Amazon in Safari as a test and then searching. I might be overlooking some advertised books.
As when I search for that ISBN I do get the proper result f the Lord of the Rings.
If you search by ASIN directly do you get the proper result as well or just when using the cog wheel? Do try signing out of Amazon in Safari as a test and then searching. I might be overlooking some advertised books.
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Before I put my own Amazon Associates/Affiliate info in, the only way to get the proper result was via the cog wheel. The search via the multi add button and scanning a barcode, would come up with a weird title and the same URL [and no other data].Conor wrote: If you search by ASIN directly do you get the proper result as well or just when using the cog wheel? Do try signing out of Amazon in Safari as a test and then searching. I might be overlooking some advertised books.
Signing out of Amazon didn't have any affect.
Search did speed up , as I detailed in a separate case via e.mail [unsure if that e.mail got to you - it was regarding a "bug" from last August that really wasn't a bug for me.

Re: Amazon search no longer works
I'll try the multi add, might be related to the problem. I always test via the single add, as essentially it should be the same. But could be the speed of multiple searches is affecting the Amazon Test search, it's something I never tested. Thank you for the clarification.
Re: Amazon search no longer works
Because I use Bookpedia for my bookstore, when i am adding items into it, I'm doing so in large groups [dozens of items], so they get scanned via a USB Metrologic barcode scanner. I typically scan in groups, wait for all the items to be added to a collection, and then multi-edit several fields from those scanned items [eg: purchased at, purchased on, paid, placed for sale at, on sale, etc].
I don't think I've ever used the single add button, actually!
I don't think I've ever used the single add button, actually!