Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
I tried this last night and this morning and the Add function is not returning any values for the ASIN from Amazon, or doing it incorrectly in a foreign language (spanish?)
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Do please try the beta version.
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Okay I'll try that but did it stop working for 5.6.1?
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
I Have os 10.11.6 so the Beta doesn't work
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
There are improvements in the beta version. With the old version you can sign up with personal keys, but Amazon is restricting the web services to bigger referrals that create a bigger volume of sales. They want to stop the personal data service as it was used in the past. I'll see if I can port some of the improvements back, in the meantime do bring Doghouse up on the search list as well as some of the other sites that also provide good results.
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Regular search on Amazon stopped working for me today (on version 5.6.1 — it was working fine until a couple of days ago).
I tried searching the ASIN and got the desired result back.
I tried searching the ASIN and got the desired result back.
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
I've just run into this problem too: last addition was earlier this week (Wednesday Feb 20), but today (Sunday Feb 24) it's skipping over Amazon. I pulled the current beta as suggested, but I'm still not getting the Amazon search working when using the ASIN. Guess I'll have to build the new entry by hand for now – at least I'm not buying high numbers of books.
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Please provide at least 3 sample ASIN numbers for Conor to check.
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
At least three samples? Okay.
Item #1 is the ebook I purchased yesterday. This continues to fail to be found when doing a search from within Bookpedia (now the current beta version) today.
The other two (you asked for at least three) are the two other most recent purchases - which were successfully added via their ASIN's at the time of purchase. Neither of these is now returning a result when searched for from within Bookpedia. It seems likely that this pattern would be repeated for all of my Kindle books which were previously added successfully using their ASINs.
Item #1 is the ebook I purchased yesterday. This continues to fail to be found when doing a search from within Bookpedia (now the current beta version) today.
The other two (you asked for at least three) are the two other most recent purchases - which were successfully added via their ASIN's at the time of purchase. Neither of these is now returning a result when searched for from within Bookpedia. It seems likely that this pattern would be repeated for all of my Kindle books which were previously added successfully using their ASINs.
- B00AWJYJVA • A Delicate Truth • ... 00AWJYJVA/
- B005XRA0U0 • The Looking Glass War • ... 005XRA0U0/
- B00SLWQGSY • In Cold Blood • ... 00SLWQGSY/
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Are you using your own Amazon Associate ID or the Bruji Amazon Test ID?
Conor has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID. To enable this "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search.
Now go into Preferences > Sites list and Tick or Untick the Amazon sites you want or do not want and then drag the wanted sites up to the search priority level you want.
Hope this helps
Conor has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID. To enable this "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search.
Now go into Preferences > Sites list and Tick or Untick the Amazon sites you want or do not want and then drag the wanted sites up to the search priority level you want.
Hope this helps
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Hi Gary,
Thank you for all the details and the information. Amazon limiting their API to resellers providing a higher number of sales. So even if you are using your own keys, do try the beta version with the Amazon Test feature mentioned by Fine Wine. You only need do this once. I will then clean up the interface to display this in the settings, as if you visit the Amazon Settings after setting the new beta feature it will then try to revert and log you in with your credentials.
Kind regards,
Thank you for all the details and the information. Amazon limiting their API to resellers providing a higher number of sales. So even if you are using your own keys, do try the beta version with the Amazon Test feature mentioned by Fine Wine. You only need do this once. I will then clean up the interface to display this in the settings, as if you visit the Amazon Settings after setting the new beta feature it will then try to revert and log you in with your credentials.
Kind regards,
Re: Bookpedia Lookup Amazon with ASIN not working
Sorry, I posted on the wrong thread!
I was talking about DVDpedia.

I was talking about DVDpedia.