For the last week or so, whenever I try to do a search and add, the information is only a small part of what I normally get. No summaries, prices, EAN, etc.
I tried installing the beta as you stated on your blog, but it is even worse, with almost no information, inaccurate title, and price in euros:
How do I fix this? I have a lot of books that need to be inventoried.
Thank you for the images and the information. Since you already have the beta do hold down the option key and click on the Help menu and double check that "Amazon Test" has a check mark next to it, if not select it once.
We can then narrow the search sites that is giving you poor results by looking at the URL field in the "extra" tab if you have that on. If you do not have that displayed, you can add the book to your collection and then click on the title in the details view, it will take yo auto the original site the information came from. Once I know the search site I can make sure it gives full results, instead of just the price.
I tried "La Edad de la Penumbra" but get good results from all sites, specially the Spanish ones, like Casa del Libro and Amazon Spain. You can target specific sites for searching and testing by clicking on the magnifying glass in the search field and selecting the site you want to search. You can then also arrange via drag and drop in "Bookpedia -> Preferences -> Sites" the ones you want to search first.
Sorry, I was not clear. "La Edad de la Penumbra" was what came up when I searched the ISBN for "Shadow of a Shadow" in the beta. Yes, Amazon Test is checked. Doing it again today gets me yet another incorrect title, "Lejos Del Corazón" -Lorenzo Silva when I enter the ISBN for "Shadow of a Shadow." Amazon US does not appear in the list of Sites.
This is very frustrating. My Bookpedia gives me worse results than a few days ago and the beta is useless.
Thank you for the clarification. Amazon US should appear in the list of sites. If that is not the case, do download the beta again to make sure you have the latest and double check on the check mark on Amazon Test. As it should be one of the options. Also visit Bookpedia -> Preferences -> Sites (tab) menu command and make sure it appears there, drag and drop it towards the top as well as other sites like Casa Del Libro, that have spanish results. Do let me know what the order of your search sites is, this way I can narrow down what search plugin is giving the incorrect results for the ISBN that you are searching.