Ability to Change DogTag number in pedia

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Ability to Change DogTag number in pedia

Post by FineWine »

At present when you submit to Doghouse you receive a Dogtag number BUT that tag is one of several possible different tags associated with the same Doghouse entry.

"Get Carter" all Doghouse entries
"Get Carter": my automatic Doghouse allotted tag = 162 This is not my version of the movie as it is a Blue-ray and mine is a plain DVD plus the cover art is wrong.
This is my movie and the Dogtag should be 107330

So my request is that within the pedia we can edit the Dogtag number to reflect the correct Doghouse entry.

Oh and Happy New Year to all at Bruji :D
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Re: Ability to Change DogTag number in pedia

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the bug report, indeed an issue with the search being sequential based on dogtag and lower dog tags numbers being returned first. As the media should be taken into account, so I shall look at what is happening there. But updating the Dogtag might be the way to go for you. Not even I have a built in function for that to avoid issues, I'll see how I can fix it.

Although you can search for a specific Dogtag with "?107330" you would be adding a new movie, not updating the one you already had, but it would be a roundabout way to fix it if it's only happening a handful of times. Add the new Get Carter after searching for "?107330" and remove the old one.

Happy New Year, hoping the best for you and your family in 2018!
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Re: Ability to Change DogTag number in pedia

Post by sitenoise »

Happy Birthday everyone!

As you may (or may not) know, movies are all about movies for me, not product. I don't care about dvd vs bluray or whatever, but I get that most users do. But this business of connecting to a poorly submitted doghouse entry, or one in a language I can't read, or something else just because it has a lower numerical dogtag, has rumpled my britches for a long time. I think there are a lot more important things to 'fix' or create in the pedia world but if the ability to pick and choose a dogtag became reality I'd be totally cool with that :D
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Re: Ability to Change DogTag number in pedia

Post by Conor »

Just thought you can also do SQL in Terminal for now.

Code: Select all

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd
UPDATE zentry set zdogtag = 1234 where zIMDB 01111;
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