I purchased the DVDpedia today and in less than an hour I scanned 230+ DVDs. I ordered a simple bar scanner with the intent of scanning in the DVDs. Quick, easy yet very powerful. My only complaint is having templates a bit more refined with more printing options. Other than that, I offer a review of 98 out 100.
I even had my kids helping me out. Unfortunately the hardest part of this task was getting all the DVDs down from the shelf and having them remember which ones were scanned. We're half done and kids are looking forward to helping dad after they finish their homework.
Thanks, love the product and considered Movie Collector and Delicious Library before buying DVDpedia.
Fantastic Product
Thanks for your feedback - it's always nice to hear from a happy customer!
You can customize any of the templates to fit your printing and/or exporting needs. Just have a look at the Help file for more information (Shortcuts and tips/Templates) or email me directly at our support email if you need some help getting started.

You can customize any of the templates to fit your printing and/or exporting needs. Just have a look at the Help file for more information (Shortcuts and tips/Templates) or email me directly at our support email if you need some help getting started.