Syncing between Mac and MacBook

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Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hi Conor,

that's the problem. I can find the "database.cdpd".
But there are only 4 files with that name but only with a 800k size and nothing in it.

I'll wait for Conor and his explanations.
TX Red Wine.
It's 11pm - Time to go to bed.

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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Conor »

Hi FineWine and Lost Highway, thank you so much for clarifying and including all that detail, as well as the link to the Apple documentation.

So here it is, step by step. If one of the steps is confusing let me know and I will clarify.

1. Quit CDpedia.
2. Go to Finder, your desktop.
3. "File -> New Finder Window" menu command.
4. Select the "iCloud Drive" on the sidebar.
5. Place that window on the left side.
6. "File -> New Finder Window" menu command.
7. Place this window on the right side.
8. Hold down option (has alt written on it) key, and click on menu "Go -> Library".
9. In the window select "Application Support" and scroll down until you see the "CDpedia" folder.

Short review break of where we are at, here is a screenshot with the menus we have used so far highlighted and what you should be seeing in your two windows.


10. Copy the entire "CDpedia" folder, via drag and drop while holding down the option (alt) key from the right window to the left window.
11. Once the copy is done, in the left window open the CDpedia folder.
12. Double click the "Database.cdpd" file.

Another break, you should now be seeing your info as usual in CDpedia, but it is now being loaded from iCloud folder. To double check in CDpedia use the menu command "CDpedia -> Preferences" (Einstellungen). The bottom of the window path should have "com~apple~CloudDocs" in it, as seen in this screenshot.


On the other computer:

1. "File -> New Finder Window" menu command.
2. Select the "iCloud Drive" on the sidebar.
3. Open the CDpedia folder, (If it's not there yet wait a few minutes for it to sync.).
3a. There is a little pie like circle that appears in the sidebar next to the "iCloud Drive" while it's syncing and updating. Wait for that to be gone.
4. Open the folder and locate the "Database.cdpd" file.
5. Double click the file to open CDpedia and tell it to load the data from here.

You are now reading the data from the same location. To double check this you can repeat the process here in "CDpedia -> Preferences" and look for "com~apple~CloudDocs" in the path at the bottom of the Preferences window.

From here on out you can forget about all you have done above and use CDpedia as usual, launching it from your regular dock or applications folder.
When changing computers please quit CDpedia to make sure that it reloads the database and sees any changes made by the other computer.

I know there is a lot in there to do, but step by step you should be able to get it done. If you get stuck in any of the steps let me know and I can clarify. I shall have Nora read this over, as I know I sometimes assume things that might not be obvious to others. :oops:

I would strongly recommend on a monthly basis or when you make lots of changes to CDpedia to make a copy of that CDpedia folder in your iCloud drive to another location. Hold down the option (alt) key and drag the CDpedia folder to your desktop or USB stick, anywhere really. This way you have a backup of the data should anything happen with iCloud.
Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hi Conor,

that's the problem I'm talking about: There is no folder called "Library".

CU Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hi Conor,

I read all the informations you wrote down and I like to thank you very much for all the work
but that is really too difficult for me.
I think I have to wait 'till you will offer a new version with an much easier handling.

Once again Thank you very much
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by FineWine »

Lost Highway wrote:Hi Conor,

that's the problem I'm talking about: There is no folder called "Library".

CU Highway
What version of macOS are you using? This can be found by clicking on the Apple  symbol on the far left of the menu bar and then clicking on "About This Mac".

If you have version 10.9.* Mavericks or 10.10.* Yosemite or the latest 10.11.* El Capitan then my previous instructions (If your Library folder is NOT showing in Finder it needs to be made visible. Select View in the Finder menu bar then select View Options. Now place a Tick in the Show Library Folder.) will work.

However if you have an older OS version than 10.9 Mavericks then it becomes a bit more technical and I wont go into that here. I will say however that you should always be running the latest and greatest macOS that your machine will take, mainly for the sake of added and better security, let alone all the other changes and enhancements.

If you need any more macOS help do not hesitate to ask, there are lots of very experienced Apple users (far more than I am) in these forums and being the tight pedia community we are, they are always willing to give a helping hand. :D

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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hi FineWine,

now I am able to see the library folder. Thanks.

But the next problem is the following:
What does "File -> New Finder Window" menu command" means?
I'm able to open the iCloud drive OR the library, but not both at the same time.

CU Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Sorry - I forgot: My version is 10.11.5 El Capitan.
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by FineWine »

Lost Highway wrote:Hi FineWine,

now I am able to see the library folder. Thanks.
Well done :D
Lost Highway wrote:But the next problem is the following:
What does "File -> New Finder Window" menu command" means?
I'm able to open the iCloud drive OR the library, but not both at the same time.

CU Highway
Open Finder, now click on the word Finder in the Finder Menubar, the first menu entry is "New Finder Window", click on this and another whole Finder window will appear. Now if you move your mouse cursor up to the grey area at the top of this window next to the 3 coloured traffic light symbols and left click and hold the mouse button down and drag the new Finder window to the right you will now see the first Finder window.

You can now drag and drop folders and files between these two windows. This is just one of several methods that do exactly the same thing. Using Finders Tab bar facility is another way. But now that you have made visible your Library folder and have two Finder windows open side by side you should be able to carry out conors' instructions.

PS: have a look at these links in Apple support:

Get to know the Finder on your Mac
OS X El Capitan: Open folders in new Finder tabs or windows
OS X El Capitan: Folder basics
OS X El Capitan: Drag and drop items


:!: As always, should you 'Highway' be caught or killed, my Secretary will disavow any knowledge of these actions. :P
Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hey, when I want to drive a car I don't have to know obligatory how an engine works.
Isn't it?
So there is no reason to kill me. :lol:
Ask you secretary.

CU Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

it's not so easy to find all the commands you're talkin' about.
My Mac ist working with a different language.... :wink:
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by FineWine »

Lost Highway wrote:Forgotten,
it's not so easy to find all the commands you're talkin' about.
My Mac ist working with a different language.... :wink:
Ah Ha - that will explain a lot of the difficultly you are having. It is always difficult to read one language and convert it to another in your head. If my guess is right I believe your native tongue is German. If so after you have clicked on any of those instructional links just scroll right down to the bottom the page and on the right you will see a USA flag, click on that and then select your language and that web page will now appear in your language.

Of course Google Translate is always your friend.

Ah Ha - das wird eine Menge des schwer erklären Sie haben. Es ist immer schwierig, eine Sprache zu lesen und zum anderen in den Kopf zu konvertieren. Wenn meine Vermutung richtig ist, ich glaube, Ihre Muttersprache ist Deutsch. Wenn dem so ist, nachdem Sie auf einer dieser Lehr-Links geklickt haben, scrollen Sie einfach rechts unten zur Unterseite der Seite und auf der rechten Seite finden Sie eine USA-Flagge zu sehen, klicken Sie darauf und wählen Sie dann Ihre Sprache und die Web-Seite wird nun in Ihrer Sprache erscheinen .


Sometimes some things are just "Mission Impossible" :D
Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Hi Conor,

I'm still working on the data transfer problem...
That's where I'm at the moment:
Everything is done on my master-mac
Everything is prepared on MacBook pro, but there is no Database.cdpd,
but a file called Database.cdpd-shm with a size of only 33 kb.
If I doubleclick on it nothing is happening.

Do you have an idea where the problem could be?

Best regards
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Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Here's another short additional information:

I tried the same thing with bookpedia and it worked well.
The Database.bookpd is available (but it took its time to see it in the finder...)
But I get the same problem with dvdpedia (as with cdpedia) too.

Could the problem be the size of the file?
There are only a few mb's with bookpedia but more than 600 mb's with
dvdpedia and about 800 mb's with cdpedia.

CU Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »


I need help!!!!!
Now I've lost a few 100 films from my database and I don't no why.
I seems that my Macbook copied his data's to my Master Mac.

I'm not able to find my old database and I'm not able to bring them back
with the time machine.

Are my original datas are still on my Mac or are they gone because I tried
to put them in the cloud?
I don't know where DVDpedia is saving the datas.
Is anyone out there who could give me a helping hand?
Lost Highway
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Re: Syncing between Mac and MacBook

Post by Lost Highway »

Alarm off!

I found the lost films.
They were in a different data base (seems to be my fault)


Now I start another try to put the films and CD's an my Laptop.

However. That's not the best way....
There must be an easier way in the future....
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