Yesterday I started using Bookpedia together with Pocketpedia and began to capture my books. Unfortunately the sync doesn't work correct now.
At the beginning everything was fine and I was using Pocketpedia to scan the barcodes and the Bookpedia-App at the Mac to capture these books, which doesn't had a barcode. Everytime I changed the device (iPhone and Mac) I started the sync to have the same data. Now I have captured the last books with the Mac-App and they don't appear on the iPhone. On my Mac-App I have 106 books and in the Pocketpedia-App only 102. The last 4 books (which I captured on the mac) are not on my phone. What can I do?
I also synced the Collection to my iPad and it is the same. Only 102 books instead of 106.
Thank you for the details on the bug. If you don't mind could you send me your book database, so I can try the sync here, as there should be no way for Pocketpedia to leave some books out, could be they are not displaying in Pocketpedia due to a bug. You will find the database in your data folder located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application Support/Bookpedia/Database.bookpd. Under Yosemite you must use the Finder "Go" menu and hold down the option key and select the "Library" option. Once there navigate to Application Support/Bookpedia and select Database.bookpd and use the "Compress" command under the main "File" menu. This will create a .zip version that you can then attach to an email message. Thank you.
I wanted to report that I'm having a similar problem. I created a new collection for books on writing on my Macbook and then downloaded the newest version of PocketPedia 3. The writing collection appeared on the iPhone with the initial sync. I then scanned in the books using the iPhone and placed each book into the writing collection. When I synced, all of the books went into the Writing collection on the Macbook as expected, but disappeared from the iPhone. This does appear to be some sort of bug.
Does a second sync mirror the data from the Macbook? The Macbook is considered the master database so it should mirror the information exactly. Are you running Yosemite? Do try restarting Bookpedia and then syncing, it will let me know if the bug is a caching bug and where to hunt for it.
I'm having the same problem. I have Yosemite and Bookpedia 5.4 on my MBP. I added a few books to my existing Bookpedia library, then purchased Pocketpedia 3 and tried to sync. I get 936 books in Pocketpedia, but 941 on the MBP, so the ones I added yesterday are not included, nor is the smart collection I added.
Yes! That worked on my iPad. Thank you so much. Will sync the iPhone later. Shall I just drag it into my Applications folder to replace the Bookpedia 5.4 version? It's just on my desktop at the moment.
You can replace the regular version in your Applications support. You will also need to rename "Bookpedia Beta" and make it just "Bookpedia". The official release is only a few days off as well, if you rather let the Applications folder version self update.