I have just updated to an iPhone 6 (yay!) and Pocketpedia loaded my databases from the iCloud backup together with all the other info from my old phone.
However, the images from my books, dvds etc are not showing in pocketpedia. some of them appear if i click through to the full screen image view, and that image then displays correctly throughout. but not all of them can be recovered this way, and i don't particularly want to have to go through every entry to bring up their images.
Is there a way to force sync the images, or another way to bring them all back? Or should i just delete the old data in Pocketpedia and sync the whole lot from scratch? (and if so how do i delete the data in Pocketpedia?)
Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
Congratulations on the new iPhone.
To save space the images are not included in your iCloud backup since they are part of Pedias. To have it sync all the images again, hold down the option (alt) key on your Mac while you press the sync button in Pocketpedia. It will then send all the images again to your new iPhone.
You can also download all the images again from online by tapping with two fingers simultaneously on any large cover and holding it for 2 seconds. This gesture will bring up a confirmation dialog asking if you want Pocketpedia to go through all the entries and download the cover from Doghouse if available.
To save space the images are not included in your iCloud backup since they are part of Pedias. To have it sync all the images again, hold down the option (alt) key on your Mac while you press the sync button in Pocketpedia. It will then send all the images again to your new iPhone.
You can also download all the images again from online by tapping with two fingers simultaneously on any large cover and holding it for 2 seconds. This gesture will bring up a confirmation dialog asking if you want Pocketpedia to go through all the entries and download the cover from Doghouse if available.
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
well that worked a charm! thanks very much for the help 

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- Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:25 am
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
The second method, tapping and holding the image acts like it wants to work, that is, it asks if I want to sync images, but it doesn't sync images even after saying yes.
the other method, holding down the alt key on the mac, works for me.
the other method, holding down the alt key on the mac, works for me.
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
The second method works for entries that are stored at Doghouse only. As this is the server that it knows how to query without making a mistake on the entry and always get the right cover. Glad the regular option "alt" key method worked to get the covers over. I shall update the next version of Pocketpedia to detect a restore automatically so that this option key trick is not needed for iOS 9.
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
The alt/option key method did not work for me and still get the same behavior of syncing a few covers and then crapping out with most covers still missing. Possible I'm doing it wrong? Exactly when should I be holding down the option key and for how long?
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
You just hold it down while tapping the Sync button. Afterwards let it go.
But maybe you have a network issue if the programs stop talking to each other. Have you tried creating a direct network on your Mac? Go to the Airport menu (at the very top of your screen, the little quarter pie that shows the strength of your signal) and select "Create Network". Name the network whatever you like, go into the Settings app on your mobile device and connect to that same network. Then try the sync again.
But maybe you have a network issue if the programs stop talking to each other. Have you tried creating a direct network on your Mac? Go to the Airport menu (at the very top of your screen, the little quarter pie that shows the strength of your signal) and select "Create Network". Name the network whatever you like, go into the Settings app on your mobile device and connect to that same network. Then try the sync again.
Re: Images missing/not displaying in iPhone 6
Yup, the network was the culprit. Apparently the network at my office is even worse than I already thought it was. Once I got home and tried again (using the Option option), everything synced over with no problem (and quite quickly, too).