Sorting Enchancements

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Sorting Enchancements

Post by Hap »

I would like to request two enhancements for sorting. For Bookpedia, I sort up to six levels deep to keep everything organized and it drives how I shelve my books (>2000). The issue I have is that it's very hard to tell what the current sorting order is since only one column indicates a sort. For instance - I sort my books by Author, Setting, Series, Series number (currently using Smart Collections to group by Genre, book type instead of sorting). It would be really nice if you could include a number 1 - 6 in the column headers to indicate sort order. The second request would be to have saved sorts in a menu so that I could just select a menu, drop down to a saved sort and it would correctly sort down to however many levels were saved.

Thank you.
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Re: Sorting Enchancements

Post by Waldbaer »

Sounds interesting, especially for bigger libraries. Maybe it could be a preference checkbox "use advanced sorting" which then shows the numbers and a menu for sorting. In this menu, there would be two commands: "save current sorting order" and "manage sorting orders". The first command would ask for a name and then add the sorting to the menu. The second would open a list to delete saved orders and change their position and the first would automatically get the shortcuts like cmd-shift-1/2/3 or something like that.
So I support this request. :)
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Re: Sorting Enchancements

Post by FineWine »

+1 for this concept - I like it.
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