Yosemite & iOS8

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Yosemite & iOS8

Post by FineWine »

Is Bruji planning on utilizing Yosemite & iOS8 Connectivity standards plus utilising iCloud Drive.

Connectivity of pedia database's updates across all installed devices in the background automatically would be ideal.

I imagine iCloud Drive within the pedia's as an opt in choice for database + cover art backup would be fabulous.

And just maybe utilising the new ability called Handoff - this is a big maybe.

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Re: Yosemite & iOS8

Post by Conor »

The new announcements are very exciting. iCloud for Core Data has been improved and should hopefully finally prove possible to sync a large complex database like DVDpedia's without all the errors that iCloud used to generate. But have yet to really dive in and test it. If iCloud drive is more like DropBox then it should prove much easier to get Pocketpedia looking at that information and working together just like many users are doing with several Macs and DropBox at the moment for the data folder.

Cloud Kit also sounds very exciting in the Doghouse range of server ideas. Although Doghouse is now very mature to adopt Cloud Kit it's interesting for new features and smaller side projects.

Handoff did not jump out at me as something that DVDpedia would really get a use out of as the editing and adding are discrete blocks of work that you don't need to finish them on another device. Specially the device is already syncing via iCloud and you can restart an edit on another device to finish adding information.

At the same time the changes are worrisome as the Apple ecosystem is growing to be everything under a single umbrella and locked to the whims of Apple and it's Mac App Store. Although the developer access and debugging tools have greatly improved with this release and the acquisition of TextFlight by Apple.

We will definitely be adding Yosemite and iOS 8 features but way to early to tell what will make it. Still trying to decide if I like Swift as a new programming language or if I will be sticking with Objective-C.
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Re: Yosemite & iOS8

Post by FineWine »

Thanks Conor. Swift I had forgotten about. If it makes your job easier and the program smoother and faster then I am all for it.

As for cloudkit and icloud drive I hope you do incorporate them somehow if only for the safety of backups.

But still my favorite new function is Connectivity with its nearby networking features as you would not have worry about manual sync'ing of databases.

And of course you will be able to bundle the pedias in the App store now.

As far as the Apple ecosystem goes, I love it because, for the most part, everything just connects and work mostly automatically with little user effort, unlike MS Windows which seem to still want to make things an esoteric messed up art form.

What are other Pedia users thoughts on Yosemite and iOS8 new features and now they could or can be incorporated into the 4 Pedia's?
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Re: Yosemite & iOS8

Post by Conor »

I had not thought of Connectivity in that way. Could be interesting to explore. Will have to do more development to test if a sync is needed or make sure not to interrupt a user using Pocketpedia but that does necessarily want to sync to the nearby Mac.

Looking forward to being able to enable the bundles in the Mac App Store. have already enabled Family Sharing. SO that if one family member buys The Pedias or Pocketpedia all other 5 family members can own the program without having to buy their own copy.
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