So this template is not the final version but very near on this status. Because of my foreign language, this template is at this moment only in German, but soon I will translate it back to English. This template is also designed for moderators and some options are available only in the latest Beta of DVDPedia or next public release.
Special features:
- It will show the Cover of your DVD or BluRay directly on the template (when you insert it)
- When you have linked to a movie file, you can click on the playbutton at the cover to start the movie directly. IMPORTANT!!!: To let play the right file or link to a video on Youtube, Vimeo... , you need to place the link on the last position in the "Links" overview
- If you didn't have fill out the informations like: Playtime, IMDb or Genre, they will not be present. Pls. note... If you fill the info and didn't see it on the template, pls. check out your preferences and the settings for "Fields". Switch to "Details View" and check your selections.
- In the footer-area you got access to some famous sources to search for your movie, based on the movie title. You can also open the movie directly on IMDb, or Amazon based on the IMDb tag, dogTag or the Amazon ASIN. Moderators will also get the option to go directly to the moderation panel (Beta or future public Update needed to see this feature). All links would be opened in your preferred Browser.
Here is an screenshot of the template, if you didn't want to download and test it directly.

Download of the template file: ...
After downloading, simply extract the zip and doubleclick the document "Flat Design.pediaextras_d" to install it. DVDpedia will open automatically. To using this template, go in the menu "View / Details Style" and select "Flat Design (by Robin A.).

Well, that's it for the moment. Can't await to see some comments

PS: Much thanks to the support team of Bruji. They never left me alone with all my questions. They are awesome.