New template for DVDpedia

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New template for DVDpedia


I created a complete new detail template for DVDpedia and now the time is come, to share it first with this community to collect some feedback or wishes.

So this template is not the final version but very near on this status. Because of my foreign language, this template is at this moment only in German, but soon I will translate it back to English. This template is also designed for moderators and some options are available only in the latest Beta of DVDPedia or next public release.

Special features:
- It will show the Cover of your DVD or BluRay directly on the template (when you insert it)
- When you have linked to a movie file, you can click on the playbutton at the cover to start the movie directly. IMPORTANT!!!: To let play the right file or link to a video on Youtube, Vimeo... , you need to place the link on the last position in the "Links" overview
- If you didn't have fill out the informations like: Playtime, IMDb or Genre, they will not be present. Pls. note... If you fill the info and didn't see it on the template, pls. check out your preferences and the settings for "Fields". Switch to "Details View" and check your selections.
- In the footer-area you got access to some famous sources to search for your movie, based on the movie title. You can also open the movie directly on IMDb, or Amazon based on the IMDb tag, dogTag or the Amazon ASIN. Moderators will also get the option to go directly to the moderation panel (Beta or future public Update needed to see this feature). All links would be opened in your preferred Browser.

Here is an screenshot of the template, if you didn't want to download and test it directly.

Download of the template file: ...

After downloading, simply extract the zip and doubleclick the document "Flat Design.pediaextras_d" to install it. DVDpedia will open automatically. To using this template, go in the menu "View / Details Style" and select "Flat Design (by Robin A.).

Well, that's it for the moment. Can't await to see some comments :-)

PS: Much thanks to the support team of Bruji. They never left me alone with all my questions. They are awesome.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

Looking Good - well done.

It is fun designing your own template. I have two listed in the Extra's page; Jungle Green and Moderator. I also have my own private one which also includes thumb nails of actor head shots. You can view this one in this forum. Actor Headshot Thumbnail Photos/Images in Info View I now have a database of close to 9500 head shots. Most of the thumbnails are from this website, DougWeb - Headshots Collections Though I have added close to a thousand of my own. Since that screen shot was taken I have updated and altered my head shot template a bit and it is based on the Jungle Green template that is shown in Extra's.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


I like the idea with the headshots very much. That's fantastic.

Can you told me the secret how you insert them on your template and how you link it in DVDpedia?
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:I like the idea with the headshots very much. That's fantastic.
Thank you. As you can see I have included a link icon to IMDb & Wikipedia against each credit. Plus clicking on the actors name activates the filter function within DVDpedia.
MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:Can you told me the secret how you insert them on your template
This is the code I use.

Code: Select all

<div class="rightBoxes">

<div class="credits">
<td rowspan=3 valign=top><img width=100 src="Images/cast/[credit:nameRaw].jpg"></td>
<td height=30 valign=bottom style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="[credit:nameRaw]"><img src="Images/imdb.png" alt="IMDb" title="IMDb" width="24" height="24" align="top" /></a> <a href="[credit:nameRaw]"><img src="Images/wikipedia.png" alt="Wikipedia" title="Wikipedia" width="24" height="24" align="top" /></a></td>
<tr height=40 valign=bottom>
<td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="pedia://filterBy=[credit:nameRaw]&field=credits"><font style="font-size: 20px;color: white;">[credit:nameRaw]</a></td>
<tr valign=top>
IF_Trole<td style="padding-left:5px;"><font style="font-size: 15px;color: white;"><i>[credit:roleRaw]</i></td>END_Trole
<br />

</div> <!-- rightBoxes -->
MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:...and how you link it in DVDpedia?
The actual head shot data base is kept here: ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/InfoTemplates/Images/Cast/

Each image is 100px wide and 120px to 150px height

Where necessary I can have upto 4 photos of a single actor; child, teen, adult & old age. If they are other than an adult (default image), I add the suffix; _(c) or _(t) or _(o) to the image file name and then in the Credits listing of DVDpedia I just add the appropriate suffix; _(c) or _(t) or _(o) to the end of the credit name.

I hope that all makes sense.

As you can see from the Actor Headshot Thumbnail Photos/Images in Info View the coding was a collaborative effort with Rigido when we were designing our own individual actor head shot templates.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


Well, if I understand it right, the part for the image is that one here:

Code: Select all

<img src="Images/cast/[credit:nameRaw].jpg">
That's right?

And as next I need to place all the images in a special folder of the template (or link to any path in my finder). It would be cool to get the image source directly from IMDB. Anyway, I will play with that. I'm fixed now with this idea ;-)
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:Well, if I understand it right, the part for the image is that one here:

Code: Select all

<img src="Images/cast/[credit:nameRaw].jpg">
That's right?
Yep that is it.
MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:And as next I need to place all the images in a special folder of the template (or link to any path in my finder).
It is lot simpler to keep everything within the support folder for DVDpedia and more logical.
MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:It would be cool to get the image source directly from IMDB. Anyway, I will play with that. I'm fixed now with this idea ;-)
If you can work out how to do this it would be fabulous. Just be warned there are two bio photo's; the first being on the actual bio page and the second being an enlarged one. If you can work out the code to bring in the second one that would be great.

For example:
Sean Connery seach =

Code: Select all
Sean Connery image on his bio page =

Code: Select all
Sean Connery (on image click) enlarge image =

Code: Select all
As you can see we are now getting into IMDb image catalogue numbers so it is not a simple search on name.

Anyway good luck and if you have success I am sure Conor of Bruji would love to know as then it could be incorporated into one of there standard templates.

But beware that IMDb have the habit of changing their API once or twice a year plus not all credit bio's have bio images therefore absent ones will end up with a blue image place holder.

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Re: New template for DVDpedia


Hmmmm... That's indeed a problem with the different picture desitinations / urls. One good source can be only the Bio-Page at the moment, because the URL structure contains an ID (example: But I didn't see a solution from DVDPedia to link directly to the actors bio page, so DVDpedia must also import beside the name of the actor the actor ID. Not sure if it does. And for this ID we need a tag to work with linking. That would be the first step.
But now we have the problem around caching the picture. I'm noticed that the profile pic always got a size of 214x317 pixel, not sure if anyone can create a php filter for that. Another idea can be using an iFrame, but this way is not so good, because it will load all the other stuff of the page to and I didn't think that there is an solution available to point an iFrame (or I never seen it).

Quick list (overview)
1. Actor ID needed from IMDB
2. Tag needed to embed the Actor ID in DVDpedia
3. Need a solution to search for the image inside IMDb like a php filter or other script.

PS: Not sure if this can work as a base for a image search: ... -using-php
Sadly I'm not a big php programmer. So I don't understand what they doing there. And I'm not sure if we can let running php in DVDpedia.

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Ahm... What? :shock:
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by Conor »

DVDpedia does not gather the numbered ID for the credits. You would need to write a DVDpedia plugin to gather that information and store into the database. It would not be simple as there is the parsing to do, the most maintenance consuming bit. The info you could store into a DVD, but there is no tag that would pull it back out in the details HTML in a structured way. E.i. the credit object only has a name, role and position attribute and no space for additional random info as a DVD does.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:
Prost und lasst uns alle wissen, wie Sie auf setzen Sie sich bitte
Er sagt, "Glück und lassen Sie mich wissen" or at least that is what I am going with.
Thank you Conor - I should back check Google Translate before posting. This is the second time it has cocked up what I meant.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

Of course we also have the problem of propitiatory ownership and licensing as explained here:

May I use a photo from your site for my web site or publication?

I want to use your photos/trailers on my site/show/magazine. Can you give me permission?

This is why, properly, they have such a complicated numbered ID tagging system in place. Though where possible I do grab their images for my OWN PERSONAL data base. But, and here is the rub, 99% of those images are also freely available if you do a Google image search, therefore they are in the public domain, mmmm, what a legal minefield, no wonder Bruji does not want to go down that road.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


The thing with the rights and the missing option or plugin and the missing tag to embed profile images destroy a bit of hope to make it simple.
Well, than the solution from FineWine would be the best one. Download the pictures, safe it on the right place and let them showing in DVDpedia over the tag.

The only thing who I need to ask around this is now, how I can let it display only when the image is available.
If I using

Code: Select all

<!--IFnameRaw <img src="Images/cast/[credit:nameRaw].jpg"> ENDnameRaw-->
I didn't test it yet, because I feeling me not so good today. But I would wonder me when this will be enough, because to what "nameRaw" linking? Must be have the image the same name as the actor for the image?


A bit of Off Topic ;-)
Conor wrote:Glück und lassen Sie mich wissen[/i]" or at least that is what I am going with.
That's also without logic for me :-X and the part with "at least that is what I am going with" I also didn't understand... Sorry.
The only thing what I thinking now is, that the message was like this: Good luck, and let me know when you become successful.
FindeWine" wrote:I should back check Google Translate before posting
Never trust the google translator. A lot of people from the US try to send me messages who they has translated over Google. I know, that's a "good will" and I'm really appreciate this, because I know that most people in the US only learning one language at the school. In Germany we learning our foreign language and a little bit later we starting with English in the school. Later again we got the choice to learn a third language like French or other ones (what the school deliver ;-) ).
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Re: New template for DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

MOTIVHIMMEL wrote:The only thing who I need to ask around this is now, how I can let it display only when the image is available.
If I using

Code: Select all

<!--IFnameRaw <img src="Images/cast/[credit:nameRaw].jpg"> ENDnameRaw-->
Had not thought about this. Let me know if you get a result.

Yes as I said I will forgo using Google Translate, it can be embarrassing sometimes.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


I'back to life now. Sorry for the longer time, but I was sick :-(

Around the image thing I'm doing a big step forward with your tip around embed profile images. It looks really awesome. The only problem who I didn't solve now is the show or hide command. So I have for all the missing images a broken image symbol and this looks not so nice.


I have test the image part with your headshot source (great collection) and also with some different headshots from IMDB or Google Images. So the user have the choice, from where he want to load his image. It was a bit hard to getting the images in the circle but well... It works now.

This part is solved...
Only one little bug I didn't understand around my coding. You can see the first line with the text "actors" (Schauspieler), the "role" (Rolle) and a clear space where in the following lines the image is placed. I give this part a fixed dimension of 80px. width, but it looks like that the browser of DVDpedia ignore this for some reason. I think it's something with the Tags of DVDpedia.
When I test this in a regular browser or my CSS Editor, all the dimensions are right and I have not a left floating header text. But if I open it in DVDpedia, it will floating to the left a bit. Well... If I can't fix this over some code, I will insert a placeholder ;-)

Here is an image with my problems. If someone have an idea, you're welcome.
Image removed, because it's solved...
Last edited by MOTIVHIMMEL on Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


All problems are solved.
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Re: New template for DVDpedia


OK... I think I'm going slowly in the final step with this template.

Now I have insert a JavaScript to let enlarge the images. here is a quick prev. as a gif animation. Enjoy it :-)

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