converting from Windows App Movie Collectors to Mac Bruji

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converting from Windows App Movie Collectors to Mac Bruji

Post by Chatty »

I am sorry if I am asking a question already answered, but I have searched and found nothing to my own stupidity I am sure....

Here is my question. I am new to my Macbook Pro. I used windows until now. I was using the program Movie Collector, and the backups are in a .mvc format. Can I import my collection into Bruji ? If so how and I will buy it. I just have the beta at the moment.

Thank you!
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Re: converting from Windows App Movie Collectors to Mac Bruj

Post by FineWine »

Presuming you still have your old Windows PC and your movie database program is still loaded on it, you need to "Follow these instructions on how to export your Movie Collector data base."

Now have a look at this DVDpedia help file Importing entries Read down to Importers from other applications and click on Collectorz ("Movie Collector") which is your Windows program, to learn how to import your Movie Collectors Collectorz database into DVDpedia.

Hope this helps

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Re: converting from Windows App Movie Collectors to Mac Bruj

Post by FineWine »

Chatty wrote:Here is my question. I am new to my Macbook Pro. I used windows until now. I was using the program Movie Collector, and the backups are in a .mvc format. Can I import my collection into Bruji ? If so how and I will buy it. I just have the beta at the moment.Chatty
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