I just downloaded the new DVDpedia update (4.6.2) and tried to snyc it with my old PocketPedia (1.1.2).
Turns out: the iPhone app crashes during snyc every time.
When pressing "Snyc" in the app, it gets stuck on "Sammlungen anfordern ..." (Loading collections).
After a few minutes the whole app crashes. No sync.
The syncing process worked fine with DVDpedia 4.6.1
We haven't made any changes to the sync recently. Try restarting both your iPhone and Mac. If that fails try holding down the option key while using the sync button to have DVDpedia send all the information again and not try to do an update. If all fails, then please try getting me the crash logs for Pocketpedia. They would be in your home folder at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/your iphone name/Pocketpedia... Thank you.
thanks for your helpful reply. Seems there was a little quirk.
After a restart of my mac everything works.
It asked me to re-authorise my Mac/iPhone for snyc, but then everything worked flawlessly.
I'm having problems. I've tried resetting and nothing happened. I've tried holding the option key and nothing. However my problem is different. When I press the sync button with (dvdpedia, cdpedia, or bookpedia) open I get the screen "Synchronizing..." but nothing happens. And then after a while
it sort of gives up and goes back to the list of "pedias" on the phone. Any help would be appreciated as the most important feature I use is the iphone synchronization. Thanks
Which version of Pocketpedia are you running, 1 or 2? Have you tried turning off Bluetooth on both your Mac and the iPhone? (Restart the programs after you do that and then try the sync again.)
Thanks.I'll try turning the bluetooth off on the phone. It's off on the mac already.
I have both pocketpedias but I'm using 2 and my "pedias" are up-to-date.
I did try resetting both computers without success. When I get home I'll try the bluetooth idea. Thanks.
If your Mac has an Airport, try creating a new network from under the Airport menu and then connecting your iPhone to that new network under Settings and then syncing with Pocketpedia. This is a great way to eliminate and diagnose any problems that might be happening on the WiFi instead of between Pocketpedia and the Pedias.