CDPedia and itunes artwork
CDPedia and itunes artwork
when i import entire library or playlist, not all artworks are imported or worst some of them does not belong to the right cd…
any help?
when i import entire library or playlist, not all artworks are imported or worst some of them does not belong to the right cd…
any help?
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
This one is a bit complicated as iTunes keeps the artwork separate from the export file. CDpedia uses the iTunes persistent ID so the match should be exact. If you don't mind please send us one of the MP3 files where the artwork is not added or is the incorrect one and we can try to repeat it by adding it to our own iTunes library.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
thanks for your answer, but i've tried severals imports, and the tracks can have the right artwork, nothing, or bad artwors. it's change each import
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
Thank you for the extra details. I'll see if I can reproduce it or find the bug.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
artworks are still wrong
no fix?
artworks are still wrong

no fix?
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
I was never able to reproduce it. For the next major release I plan to re-write the entire integration with iTunes using the AppleScript-Cocoa bridge, that will give me more control and a tighter integration with iTunes. But this technology is only 10.5 compatible so it has to wait a bit longer. Hopefully that should take care of the issue, but if you do run into any other details that might help me track down the bug, do please let me know.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
here a consol log, i ve got severals like this (hope it helps) :
Error running script: {
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = iTunes;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "AppleEvent timed out.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "iTunes got an error: AppleEvent timed out.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -1712;
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = NSRange: {340, 2};
with timeout of 7 seconds
tell application "iTunes"
set these_tracks to every track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "5323EC4696C058D0"
set theTrack to these_tracks
if ((these_tracks count) is greater than 0) then
set theTrack to item 1 of these_tracks
end if
if (class of theTrack is file track and artworks of theTrack is not {}) then
set artworkData to (data of artwork 1 of theTrack) as picture
set artworkFormat to (format of artwork 1 of theTrack) as string
return {artworkData, artworkFormat}
end if
end tell
end timeout
Error running script: {
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = iTunes;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "AppleEvent timed out.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "iTunes got an error: AppleEvent timed out.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -1712;
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = NSRange: {340, 2};
with timeout of 7 seconds
tell application "iTunes"
set these_tracks to every track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "5323EC4696C058D0"
set theTrack to these_tracks
if ((these_tracks count) is greater than 0) then
set theTrack to item 1 of these_tracks
end if
if (class of theTrack is file track and artworks of theTrack is not {}) then
set artworkData to (data of artwork 1 of theTrack) as picture
set artworkFormat to (format of artwork 1 of theTrack) as string
return {artworkData, artworkFormat}
end if
end tell
end timeout
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
The bridging I mentioned above should certainly help in this case. It seems iTunes is not responding to the request for the image. Could you please try taking the script that is outputted for debugging and running it directly in AppleScript Editor and sending the errors it produces there. You will find AppleScript Editor in your utilities folder under Snow Leopard. Copy paste the following script into a new document and press the run button.
Code: Select all
with timeout of 7 seconds
tell application "iTunes"
set these_tracks to every track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "5323EC4696C058D0"
set theTrack to these_tracks
if ((these_tracks count) is greater than 0) then
set theTrack to item 1 of these_tracks
end if
if (class of theTrack is file track and artworks of theTrack is not {}) then
set artworkData to (data of artwork 1 of theTrack) as picture
set artworkFormat to (format of artwork 1 of theTrack) as string
return {artworkData, artworkFormat}
end if
end tell
end timeout
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
ok, sometime i've got this error when running the script : error "iTunes got an error: AppleEvent timed out." number -1712
or sometimes long long result :{«data PICTA32C........000000FF», "«class PNG »"}
could it be because my library is on networked ethernet disk?
or sometimes long long result :{«data PICTA32C........000000FF», "«class PNG »"}
could it be because my library is on networked ethernet disk?
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
Thank you. It's likely that when your network is busy iTunes is not responding in time to the request for the images data. When you get the long reply that is the correct data. I'll investigate if there something to be done, but it sounds more like a network issue.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
Hello I just ran in the same problem, but I get another error message...
I used CoverScout to update the covers iTunes didn't find...
Is there anything I can do about this ??
Code: Select all
27.06.10 16:58:39 CDpedia[434] Error running script: {
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Das Ergebnis der Berechnung ist zu gro\U00df.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Das Ergebnis der Berechnung ist zu gro\U00df.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -2702;
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = NSRange: {497, 13};
with timeout of 7 seconds
tell application "iTunes"
set these_tracks to every track of library playlist 1 whose persistent ID is "86BB630769851246"
set theTrack to these_tracks
if ((these_tracks count) is greater than 0) then
set theTrack to item 1 of these_tracks
end if
if (class of theTrack is file track and artworks of theTrack is not {}) then
set artworkData to (data of artwork 1 of theTrack) as picture
set artworkFormat to (format of artwork 1 of theTrack) as string
return {artworkData, artworkFormat}
end if
end tell
end timeout
Is there anything I can do about this ??
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
Can you narrow it down to a specific track it's having problems importing, by making a playlist with only one or two songs in it. The error "-2702" is that the numeric number was to large for AppleScript. Not sure where this could be an issue, maybe with a very large cover downloaded from CoverScout.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
One more thing you have to know...
My iTunes Library is on an external FreeNas system that has an afp mount for the music library..
I imported the Library using import Library and not using the iTune import, as this only works in my home folder...
I now copied one of the albums that didn't load in my local iTunes Library and now I could import this album with the artwork...
I will further investigate...
My iTunes Library is on an external FreeNas system that has an afp mount for the music library..
I imported the Library using import Library and not using the iTune import, as this only works in my home folder...
I now copied one of the albums that didn't load in my local iTunes Library and now I could import this album with the artwork...
I will further investigate...
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
I just deleted everything from CDpedia and reimported my entire iTunes music library (in order to get lots of updates), and I'm also having a problem with missing artwork. All my iTunes tracks have artwork, but many (most?) of the albums don't have their artwork in CDpedia.
My configuration is a 27" iMac, the iTunes media files on an external firewire drive but the iTunes application, the iTunes library file and artwork folder, the CDpedia application and data are all on the internal drive. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, iTunes 9.2 (61), and CDpedia 4.6.1. iTunes was running while I performed the import.
My configuration is a 27" iMac, the iTunes media files on an external firewire drive but the iTunes application, the iTunes library file and artwork folder, the CDpedia application and data are all on the internal drive. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, iTunes 9.2 (61), and CDpedia 4.6.1. iTunes was running while I performed the import.
Re: CDPedia and itunes artwork
Is there any news on the iTunes Cover Art rework you were investigating? I'm kind of DOA as far as publishing my music library at this point.