i am using DVD Profiler on my windows machine and dvdpedia on my little ibook. a very nice feature from dvdprofiler is the castinglist where I click an actor and can see every movie with these actor in my collection and wishlist. would it be possible to implenent such a feature? i would love it
another nice thing would be a little window showing a trailer from the movie. in the profiler you can add a html window f.e. with the youtube embedded code and click the trailer to start.
You can drag and drop a URL into the info view of a movie to create a link. Add the YouTube links and the trailer will be a click away (you could embed it as the info view is customizable, but that a bit more complicated.) Thank you for the feedback, we are looking at making the actors names active links that can be clicked to show movies by that actor. We do this from the statistics, but have not added it to the info view to avoid confusion. In the meantime using the internal filter field on the top right is a quick way to narrow movies by a particular actor.
you're right, as a new macuser i am not used to have such a good working search function
but if it will work with links on the actors name i think it would be very comfortable.
btw. your statistics part is very nice and imho better than in the dvdprofiler.
DVDpedia user Torsten just sent us an update to his LeoTab info view, which now includes a direct link to YouTube for trailers. I thought you might be interested in that... You can read about the template and download it from our extras page.