There are a few barcode scanners we usually recommend when users ask but I'm sure we could expand that list with even more recommendations. I'd like to make this the 'go to' post for new users or those in the market for a barcode scanner. Here are the scanners we either use ourselves and or have heard good things about from other users:
If you're using a different scanner, please post about it here. Of course, if you came across a scanner that didn't work well with the Pedias, include that too! Thanks
I haven't tried the Intelliscanner so I can't really tell you much about it apart from what I can find on the web. (Judging from the tech specs it should work fine with the Pedias.) One of our users switched from IntelliScanner's media library to the Pedias and I asked him if he had any experience with the Intelliscanner and the Pedias but so far I haven't heard back. I'll let you know if I find out anything else.
as I still have (too) many problems with the build-in iSight and that I don't find a cueCat at a reasonable price in Europe, I was wondering if you have any feedback (does it works with the Pedias, is it good, etc...) on this low price barcode scanner: ZEBEX Z-3010-B CCD
I just started scanning my collection last friday and so far no problem after adding 1500 DVDs with a Datalogic Touch65 Light - USB. It cost me 50 EUR + VAT with the USB cable.
Hi ,
Thanks a lot for your answers, I will try my logitech webcams (I don't know why I didn't think about it) and give you feed back on the 2 models I own (if you're interested). If it's not working I will search for the Touch 65.
I have a stupid question
I manage to get my quickcam pro 4000 working on my Mac with macam. But how do you tell DvdPedia, for example, to use it to scan and not the build-in iSight (I'm on a Macbook 2007)?
That is a tough question. DVDpedia uses the camera that the Mac OS X system provides and there is no way to turn off the built-in iSight, that I know of. If you happen to have your built-in iSight busy, then the system might provide the Quickcam as an alternative. Try running PhotoBooth with the built-in iSIght and then DVDpedia at the same time.
Howdy. You list the Microvision Flic as working well. But they seem to have replaced the Flic with the ROV? Is that still a good choice? Many thanks ... y'all have a good weekend.
We haven't tried the ROV but it should work just as well as the Flic. I would be very surprised if they changed the interface and made it incompatible with all the systems already out there. If you buy one, do let us know.
I've just bought an used Symbol handheld barcode reader, which work perfectly with Pedias.
My model is LS1908T, but I presume other types are OK. I used model 2208 barcodes to program my reader (keyboard language emulation, "enter" command..)
Everything fine. Much faster and accurate than the build iSight!!!