Large covers not loading into Pocketpedia

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Bruji Friend
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Large covers not loading into Pocketpedia

Post by arkayspark »

Hi there,
I had turned the large covers off in Pocketpedia but decided I need them while shopping so turned them back on, but they won't load on sync. If I update a title the cover loads. It will take me months to do it on each title. I can't just import from Doghouse as many of the covers are from Australian dvds which have different covers than the regular ones, which I've already manually added.
Is there a way to force a sync from Dvdpedia to Pockerpedia which will include all the covers?
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Re: Large covers not loading into Pocketpedia

Post by FineWine »

Ok try this:

1 - open desktop DVDpedia and hold the Option key and click on the Help menu and this will open a hidden menu
2 - select and click on Export for Pocketpedia
3 - save the resulting For Pocketpedia.pocketpd file to Desktop and Quit DVDpedia
4 - connect your iDevice to your mac via cable
5 - open Finder and click on your connect iDevice in the left column under Locations
6 - let it finish completely the Sync'ing process
7 - select Files on that windows tab bar
8 - select Pocketpedia and right click on each Folder/File and select Delete However DO NOT DELETE the actual Pocketpedia entry
NOTE: sometime Finder does not immediately show these App's & Files, wait a few minutes.
9 - select the For Pocketpedia.pocketpd on your Desktop and drag & drop it into Finder on top of the Files Pocketpedia entry
10 - eject your iDevice from your Mac
11 - open Pocketpedia on your iDevice and select DVDpedia within the Collections column - it should now start to reload all your entries and cover art, be patient as it may take a while. (from seconds to several minutes)

Please ensure to Backup all Pedia's before attempting this. File > Export > Backup from within each Pedia.

Hope this fixes your issue.
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Re: Large covers not loading into Pocketpedia

Post by Conor »

Thank you FineWine fr providing a solution that will give you a full reset, for those encountering edge cases.

For the covers, you can tell DVDpedia to forget what it thinks it knows about the state of the cover sync and do a full sync again by holding down the option key on the Mac while pressing the sync button on Pocketpedia. That would be the "alt" key on some keyboards.

I'll take a look at adding a way of Pocketpedia telling the Pedias that the cover preference was toggled that a full cover sync should be done again. Although with space more abundant now on the latest devices, I might remove the preference altogether, as well as the search limiting preference. It used to be there to save on CPU and storage.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: Large covers not loading into Pocketpedia

Post by arkayspark »

Hi there,
Thanks for the suggestion to add covers. Who would guess pressing a key on the Mac would work so well.
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