You could try the following:
1 - When I am updating App's to a new WHOLE number version or upgrading to a new OS version, or I know that there has been a major rewrite of the App such as with the case of all the pedia's and especially as Conor has rewritten them solely for 64bit technology, I do a complete uninstall of the old version prior to update. I achieve this by using a FREE program called
AppCleaner which you can download from here. On using this App place a check mark IN ALL the boxes
EXCEPT: ~/Library/Application Support/*****pedia , which is the second line down from the top. This is where your data base is located. Ensure that is
NOT ticked. You will loose your Preference settings though but they only take a couple of minutes to redo.
2 - There is also one other thing you can do and that is to use, what I call a "Grease & Oil Change" maintenance program called Onyx. This is a FREE program that is a multifunction utility that you can use to verify the structure of the system files, to run miscellaneous maintenance and cleaning tasks, to configure parameters in the Finder, Dock, Safari, and some of Apple's applications, to delete caches, to remove certain problematic folders and files, to rebuild various databases and indexes, and more. I always use it prior and post system OS updates and about once a month. Also especially in this case concerning the new macOS 10.15.* Catalina which has dropped support for ALL 32 bit App's.
This program is available here:
Titanium Software - Onyx.
3 - Also there are some hidden menu tasks that you can perform:
'hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select - each in turn: 'Verify Database', 'Remove Orphaned Covers' and 'Clean Duplicates in Fields' these may not solve your problems but it wont hurt either.
4 - And finally if your particular pedia is actually crashing do check for the Crash Logs. You can find the relevant logs in your Home folder under:
Send them to Bruji Support:
AND of course always carry out a general machine
BACKUP first. Remember that all the pedia's also have the ability to create individual data base backups:
File > Export Collection > Backup > Location of your choice
Hope you find these Tips & Hints helpful