please consider consistently displaying tags using badges
please consider consistently displaying tags using badges
in Bookpedia (and maybe the other pedias as well?) please consider displaying tags in the tag column as badges (grey text on blue background, i.e. differentiated from regular text), as tags are displayed in the 'Extra' pain of the Edit/Get Info window. Currently multiple tags are displayed as regular text and separated by commas -- this is not bad, butI I feel it would be clearer if the macOS user interface standard of badges were used more consistently.
Re: please consider consistently displaying tags using badge
Hm, I understand your request for consistency, but actually I think I prefer it the way it is now. If you put badges there, it will take a lot more space, so you will see much less of each book's tags than just displaying text. And concerning consistency: Many more fields than the tag field actually display tags as well (Author, Genre, Publisher... just look at the edit panel and you see it). If you display all these as tags just because they are it technically, you'll barely ever see more than one of them in a column. In addition to that, tags can not be shortened using "..." so if you don't find a good solution for that, you cannot even see if there are additional tags saved but not displayed or if everything is shown. That would be a very hard tradeoff for just looking nice/consistently, don't you think?
Re: please consider consistently displaying tags using badge
those are good points. i guess that's the difference between casual thinking on my part and the much broader perspective and burden you have as a software designer!
Re: please consider consistently displaying tags using badge
I‘m actually just a user, too, but I‘m happy if my arguments were not pointless.