
Tell us about your wildest feature dreams. Or just harmless suggestions for improvement.
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Post by elysdir »

I have a bunch of stuffed animals and action figures, and I want to catalog them. I can make my own little database to do that, and probably will, but I would love to have a Pedia app for this stuff.

I suspect that cataloguing stuffed animals and action figures is too limited a market to merit a full app, but what if you made an app for tchotchkes in general? It could include art, and toys, and cosplay props, and dolls, and collectible antiques, and more. (I suppose that some toys, like Rubik's Cubes, could sorta kinda fit into Gamepedia, but I feel like that's not really what Gamepedia is focused on.)

This sort of "Stuffpedia" or "Miscpedia" or "Toypedia" or "Tchotchkepedia" probably couldn't have the same degree of standardization-of-fields that your other apps have, but for me at least it would nonetheless be really valuable, as a way to integrate my other collections with the Pedia ecosystem.

I suppose another approach could be an "Everythingpedia" in which all the fields would be customizable.

Anyway, I can imagine all sorts of implementations of this; my core point is that I have a bunch of stuff that I would love to catalog with a Pedia app, but that doesn't fit neatly into one of your Pedia categories.

Thanks, as always, for the Pedia apps!
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by Conor »

Thank you so much for taking the time give us feedback.

The request for Allpedia has come up before and it something we have looked at and explored but only in the planning stages. The commitment to such a big project without knowing what the market would be like has been too big of risk for us to jump in. But we do have all these ideas on our head of a integrated pedia that would allow for widgets that you add, allowing for different items and communities to build around a type of collecting (share the non personal data).

But we have kept to the safe path of pouring all the work into the Pedias people love. But some of the features in these Pedias are in the hopes of paving the path to a more versatile program. For example the edit/add window looks so different from all other Apple program as it's fully customizable on the fly. Spent almost a year building that, so that we could then have a framework from wish to improve on, should we need to have a place for any type of field and data.

Also we got derailed by iOS, as we were on track to make a more versatile Pedia and then had to build an iOS version for the existing 4 Pedias. Funnily enough, knowing what we knew at the time, it's Pocketpedia that would be the easiest to adapt today for more collections, as it was built from the ground up with that idea in mind.

Sorry there is no good news to share on this front.

Should you want to canabilize a Pedia to make it into stuffed animals and action figures, you would not be on a solitary path. The link contains details on how to change the regular fields names (non custom). It does mean full manual input of all the information.
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by NullMind »


I just wanted to leave a note here with support for such a system as well

I own a large collection of statues and would love it I could just set a custom rage of options to catalog them as such .. hope this 'stuffpedia / allpedia" idea comes to see the light of day


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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by Conor »

Thank you for adding your support to this project. Statues are a new one and would have not thought of that range of possibility. :D
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by LibertyTrooper »

It would be nice to have 'one app to rule them all, one app to find them, one app to bring them all, and despite the mess, mind them'.

When I saw the title of the original post, I thought 'Oh, someones asking for one application for all types of "stuff"'. Tracking stuffed animals didn't even enter the mind. Statues? Who has that many statues????

I suppose that these are all 'assets' in one form or another. Each has a value and a replacement cost. Moreover I've even wondered 'What happens to the digital assets when I pass on? May I leave all my Kindle books to someone?'. I'm pretty sure people won't be opening tons of mails and apps trying to figure that stuff out when I kick the bucket. Certainly would be a good thing for a Stuffpedia.
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by Nora »

Interesting that you mention inheritance. Lately due to the trending of Swedish Death Cleaning a lot of new users have turned to the Pedias not only for media, but all kind of items. The last user we helped force Bookpedia to keep track of valuable artwork, which I am sure his beneficiaries will much appreciate knowing the value and location of all the paperwork.

Stuffed animals never crossed our minds either. The trick is bringing all these possible items together without being overwhelming. The demise of Bento, which was trying to address this market and was backed by Apple, does not inspire ease of doing. But we do think we can get it right, but not a project we are ready to jump into. Still churning away on all the Pedia related items, once 6.0 is done we should have a much modern code base (10.12+ only) and can contemplate further enhancements to bring other items.
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by LibertyTrooper »

Trust the Swedes to invent a process for this. They are more efficient than Germans.

Whomever heard of a software package thats ever been used as developers intend? The world would definitely be less interesting. Following in the footsteps of your Art aficionado, I am thinking that GamesPedia would probably be useful for managing the software I've acquired over the years.
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Post by sitenoise »

Hahaha :D

I just decided to try and use DVDPedia to track Japanese Volleyball teams. I got tired of relying on google-translate to translate the team member names from the Official website. I'm trying to learn the players and google naming "Risa Shinnabe -> New Pot Risa" and "Ai Kurogo -> Love After Dark" wasn't helpful.

Anyway, I just got started. I created a new Collection in DVDPedia for each team. Put in their correct names (in the Movie Title field) and then the beautiful part is an html export. Here's a couple examples:

It's all manual input work but in the end so worth it to me. I tried doing this in spreadsheets, tables, Apple Notes, Pages, Evernote, and not only did I find the input process into DVDPedia the most pleasant (least chore-like), the output and accessibility of the final product is by far the best looking. And I can access it wherever I go.

I quickly improvised a few fields to use for things like "ratings -> height" -- "theatrical -> birth year" -- "rated -> position" so that my Details View in DVDPedia looks cool. I did this in my (mostly) movies database without interrupting it, or changing my Details View. I may create a new DB if I end up going crazy with this. The beautiful thing is how easy it is to create something like this with DVDPedia.

Hey Conor ... now that I actually clicked on one of the "Statistics" links, I realize I have no idea how to change that information. Is that a self-generated page? Is there a way I can choose what goes there and what it's called?
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by FineWine »

Well doesn't that just take the cake. What a great and innovated way to use a pedia - well done.

If you are willing and keen you could even design your own Details View Template- have a look here "Creating a Template" Here are some examples of what myself and others have created over the years. You can find them in the "Extras" section of this site.
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by sitenoise »

Thanks :D I have a highly tweaked, finely tuned Details View based on the LeoTab Template for my movies (exporting to FancyIndex, thank YOU very much!). I considered adapting a new template for VolleyBall, but I was pleased enough, in a silly way, with how my Header info <Title Theatrical Rating Rated> adapted nicely to a player's basic info <Name DOB Position Height> to let it be. DVDPedia is the input-Export tool. I've found myself 'referring' to the web pages 100% of the time, so I won't worry much how it looks in DVDPedia--for now. 8)
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Re: Stuffpedia?

Post by Conor »

That is some nice work, congratulations. I am going to have to start using my own Pedias to track more than just my media. :D

The statistics are customizable, but only for the program as a whole.

Here are some posts about changing the stats: One, Two, Three.

By looking at the other stats you can see what is available as an option, as I used simple integers for the types, instead of readable words. (You will most likely want: 1 = Count, 2 = Count but split as the comma, 3 = List the 10 most recent dates, 7 = Percentage.) You can also set the titles, to match what is stored in the field more correctly.

You can save the customized version in the data folder, but that would change it for all the collections. The best solution in this case is to make a copy rename it Volleypedia and change the statistics.xml directly inside the package. This way this Volleypedia will have a different statistics export.
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