just installed the demo of CDpedia and it looks fantastic so far
However, I have a question in regards to this software and the other pedias in regards to the images:
Is it possible by any chance to insert multiple images to each CD? (Front, Back, Gatefold etc..) For me, this is a pretty important feature as I am trying to preserve the CD on an archival level, and needing to constantly dig into folders to extract the information I need is cumbersome and I was hoping this software would make it easier for me to get this problem sorted
Thanks a lot for your help and very much looking forward using this!
Glad to hear you're enjoying CDpedia. The cover image well is designed to only display one image but you can link as many images files as you like to an entry. To do that, just drag the file(s) over the details view of the entry; that's the view on the bottom right, below the list or cover view. If you want to keep things neat and tidy you can then have the program move the linked files into the CDpedia data folder as well by selecting the links in the Edit window > Links and pressing the 'Move' button.
I did not figure this out in detail, but if this is important to you and you are a little into HTML (and maybe Javascript), maybe you are able to write an info view template (or edit an existing) that even displays images linked to in the links section directly? Just an idea.
If you do link a number of images via drag and drop and want CDpedia to keep them internally, you can have it move the file on linking automatically via a hidden preference that needs to be run from the program Terminal. This way you don't have to use the "Move" button. To activate run the following command in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal:
defaults write com.bruji.cdpedia "Automatically Move Link Types" -array "jpg", "png"
This will tell CDpedia to move all linked files of type jpg or png into it's data folder, feel free to append more types as necessary for your back cover image formats.
Here is a link to one of the post about displaying images from the links inline directly in the details template as mentioned by Waldbaer. Does take some coding. Although the links images are just a click away on the toolbar under the link button, to view additional images (if seeing them all the time is not as important).
Thank you. Linked fixed, it's quite a long thread with a back and forth and a fix half-way. As for the wrong link, no idea why I would even be viewing my own profile.
Wow, that is amazing, I didn't fully realize the software was capable of this, but this is a game-changer for me indeed! I will read through this properly and then wave my worries goodbye
Thanks to everyone for the contribution and the very detailed help, it's not often you see such dedication in the support area from both developers and community alike, so a big thumbs up for this as well!
I shall go off and sort my digital mess out once and for all then (after I have a bit of spare change to grab myself CDP )
just installed the demo of CDpedia and it looks fantastic so far
However, I have a question in regards to this software and the other pedias in regards to the images:
Is it possible by any chance to insert multiple phenq review images to each CD? (Front, Back, Gatefold etc..) For me, this is a pretty important feature as I am trying to preserve the CD on an archival level, and needing to constantly dig into folders to extract the information I need is cumbersome and I was hoping this software would make it easier for me to get this problem sorted
Thanks a lot for your help and very much looking forward using this!
All the best,
I hope this fuction is available in next update.
This is really useful feature in terms of appearance.