Pixel Perfect Covers in DVDpedia

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Bruji Friend
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Pixel Perfect Covers in DVDpedia

Post by spishak »

On November 13, 2008, jenv asked “Why do the Pedias convert images?” and Coner explained the space savings rationale for the behavior. I happen to agree with jenv who responded “Why recompress at all? You lose quality every time you do a decompress/recompress cycle…”

In “Tips & Tricks” for working with DVDpedia on your site at: http://www.bruji.com/help/dvdpedia/working/tricks.html an explanation is given on using terminal to lower the compression further to save space. It is stated that 0.9 is the default compression for all cover images.

Since I want no compression of my images I tried to take it in the other direction. But using Terminal to change the value to 1.0 or 0.99 or even 0.0 or 0 or 1 all seemed to degrade the image further.

Is there a way for a guy who is OCD about pixel-perfect quality covers to eliminate compression entirely? I was given a 5 terabyte external drive for my movie collection and space for covers is not going to be a concern for a long time!
Bruji Friend
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Re: Pixel Perfect Covers in DVDpedia

Post by spishak »

Hi. I took another whack at it. This time I removed the left & right brackets around the word [integer] and replaced it with 1.0 like this:

defaults write com.bruji.dvdpedia "JPEGCompression" -float [integer]
I revised to...
defaults write com.bruji.dvdpedia "JPEGCompression" -float 1.0

Yay, no more compression! Maybe consider offering no compression of cover images as an option in future updates given that the space saved is minimal given the size of today's hard drives?

Rock on Bruji and have a great New Year!
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Re: Pixel Perfect Covers in DVDpedia

Post by FineWine »

spishak wrote:.... Yay, no more compression! Maybe consider offering no compression of cover images as an option in future updates given that the space saved is minimal given the size of today's hard drives?

Rock on Bruji and have a great New Year!
+1 for this suggestion
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