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Sync from Pocketpedia to Bookpedia
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:05 pm
by tlwfamily
My sync from Bookpedia to pocketpedia on my iphone works in that direction. However if I create a collection on my iphone, it will not sync or be recognized in Bookpedia on my mac. Does sync only work in one direction?
Re: Sync from Pocketpedia to Bookpedia
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:18 am
by Nora
At the moment synching goes only one way. (There's only so much we could manage to include in version 1 of Pocketpedia.) But backward synching is already on our feature request list for the future so stay tuned for updates.
Re: Sync from Pocketpedia to Bookpedia
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:16 pm
by Thermohile
I just discovered Bookpedia through Pocketpedia. I have an iPod Touch and thought - wow, I finally have the tool to quickly document my library. Carrying my computer around is not easy, but the touch is easy. Then, I discovered that the synch is one way

-- disappointment!!! I will wait until the upgrade appears before finalizing the purchase. Waiting in hope.....
Re: Sync from Pocketpedia to Bookpedia
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:34 am
by trekker
When I click sync pocketpedia the following appears: with DVDpedia or Bookpedia. I then click on Bookpedia. The information from bookpedia is suppose to go to pocketpedia. When I open pocketpedia, there is no information.
Please advise and thanks,
Re: Sync from Pocketpedia to Bookpedia
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:59 pm
by Conor
If the sync message is going away fairly quickly, then try restarting both Bookpedia and Pocketpedia. The sync should actually inform you of each step as it does them, and depending on the number of items can be lengthy:
1. Getting collection information
2. Getting details for items
3. Getting images for items