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Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:42 am
by fabiopigi
i've heard from dvdpedia for the first time earlier this day, downloaded the demo and it looks quite interesting, especially the fetching from IMDB etc

i registered it just some minutes ago, sincen i know, its definitly worth the money

I do have lots of DVD but ripped all of them on my homeserver, since its more confortable than searching for the DVD putting it in the drive, risking of scratching the disc etc.
Anyway, i've got some questions about the usage:
1. there are some fields "Eigenes Feld 1" (propably "own field 1" in english), which i want to use, but i didnt find a way to rename that field in for example "Resolution"
2. is there a way, to automatically link to site, where i can watch a trailer?
3. any plans on a native iPhone client?
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:06 pm
by TheMatador
Servus, willkommen hier im Forum

. But now in englisch:
You can change the names in the preferences. It's in the first section ( general ) on the bottom. "Titel der eigenen Felder" in german.
Just enter your names there.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:23 am
by fabiopigi
thanks, i already found it.
i first edited the german string file, but then i somehow have seen that field, and thought, yeah propably a better way than change the translation strings

works like charm now.
does anybody know a "Trailer Plugin"
cause, when i'm in front of the tv, letting friends check out the DVD collection, its sometimes easier to watch the trailer than to read the description.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:55 am
by Nora
You can link pretty much anything to an entry, including URLs and movies. To link a URL from Apple trailers to an entry, for example, drag it over the info view of the entry (that's the view below the table view). You'll see the link appear there automatically.
iPhone app is in the works but still in the early stages.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:32 am
by TheMatador
But is there a way to automaticly link video trailers to movies, like "add extra info from..." in the context menu. I think youtube has many many movie trailers. Is there any plugin available yet?
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:40 pm
by fabiopigi
hm youtube sounds interesting.
i could edit the info template and export template, howeve as far as i know i cant edit the fullscreen "template" right?
Another question, about the plugin architecture, is the only way to script a plugin via xcode and obj-c or can i also write an applescript which queries a PHP script ( i can script php really well, but dont have the time to learn objc), which again returns the url to the x264 youtube file. The applescript would download that file and add it to the dvd item
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:35 pm
by TheMatador
I have no much experience in coding, but I think it's not a big deal to write a little template for youtube, searching for "moviename + trailer" and taking the first result and embed it into the info View. Since youtube is offering to embed their movies anywhere in the web and since the info view is just HTML, it should be very easy to embed a trailer there. You can even customize the size of the movie object for your requirements.
Can anyone help

But I have no clue how to make the trailer available in fullscreen view. I think thats not so easy.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:24 pm
by fabiopigi
i'm lookinh into it tommorow.
I could do the download part with php and applescript, however i'd need someone who could make a link in the dcd entry via applescript.
Again, important question:
does dvdpedia support applescript, and if so, is there a documentary on the xommandos?
(ps: sorry for the spellings, i'm writing with the iphone with disabled autocorrection)
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:38 pm
by Conor
You would need to use Xcode and Cocoa to create the plug-in. But Cocoa has a good PHP bridge or you can call a PHP script from the plug-in. Cocoa would need to be a wrapper around the PHP to pass the information back to DVDpedia.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:41 am
by fabiopigi
hm, thats a bummer, since i just dont have the time to learn another lang right now ( final exames are in a month, and chemical engineering is quite hard and time consuming ).
anyway, i'll write a php script that returns a URL for the trailer in h.264, maybesomeone else could wrapit into cocoa
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:36 am
by fabiopigi
oke, here's where i stand:
i was able to make a PHP script, which searches for the trailer on youtube, and gives the videoID of all search results
from here, you grab the first value of the array, and have the videoID of the trailer (i tested it with about 10 movies, also some with special names and chars inside, it works so far).
however, i dont find a way to find the URL of the MP4 file, which would be needed, since quicktime cant play FLV by default.
i found a site ( ), which can find the URL of the MP4 file, but they dont want to share their code as far as i've read on another blog.
maybe someone knows a way to get the MP4-URL from the videoID (e.g. wDiUG52ZyHQ )
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:00 am
by TheMatador
Uh, I don't know.
What do you want ?. download the movie trailer for every movie ? I think It would be better to embed the movie e.g. in the info view.
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:45 pm
by fabiopigi
the thing is, even thou you can embedd the trailer easily via flash in the info view, problem is, that
a) you still need the "videoID", since you cant embed "the simpsons trailer", only the ID like "hsua78sHSG6SHN5J" , so you still have to use a script that fetches those videoID
b) you can only embed it in the infoview, since the infoview can only embed downloaded files and not embed a HTML object
c) you need the have an internet connection
would it be complicated to do a plugin wrapper, which opens the URL ... he%20Movie
this script would simply return "sIawszTxNG4", which the plugin would have to save into one of the "customfield".
from there on, its an easy modification of the infoview template

Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:46 pm
by sitenoise
fabiopigi wrote:oke, here's where i stand:
i found a site ( ), which can find the URL of the MP4 file, but they dont want to share their code as far as i've read on another blog.
maybe someone knows a way to get the MP4-URL from the videoID (e.g. wDiUG52ZyHQ )
This is a bookmarklet I gathered somewhere. Does it help?
Code: Select all
Re: Several Questions about DVDpedia
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:59 pm
by Conor
I was creating a wrapper around calling the PHP file directly on the computer. To call it on your server is even easier. Here is the
started plug-in. You will have to download it and change it a bit to fit your domain. I just added as you posted it and it is expecting a single string id back, that t will then place in custom one. You can change all this in the plug-in. For someone with PHP knowledge, browsing through the Objective-C code will not be too difficult. After unzipping the project file drop a copy of DVDpedia into both the Build/Debug and Build/Release folders. The Xcode file has a script at the end of the build phase that copies the plug-in into the bundle for easier testing and it looks for in the same location. (If you select from the main Xcode menu Project --> Custom Executable and add DVDpedia from inside the Debug folder you can have Xcode launch the program for you and even use the debugger in Debug mode).