Has anyone explored the idea of exporting the database to a palm handheld. I have been working on it, but wanted to put up a post to prevent my self from re-inventing the wheel.
Some of the more basic templates work on the palm browser. Especially Kuzelnik's as they don't have images and are light weight. The simpler the HTML export is the more likely it is to work on the palm browser.
I've been looking into this since I just got a Treo 650 and there are limited options for Palm database software which supports image containers. So far, the best option is FileMaker Mobile but getting images and info out of DVDpedia into Filemaker is a drag. I can export as a CSV fine but I want all the cover images to go with the DVD info.
I imagine it could be done with Applescript, but I'm not willing to go through a 3-5 step process to get my DVD databse on my Palm. It has to be 1-2 steps.
Additionally, there doesn't seem to be a way to have Blazer browse either the Palm or the SD card for HTML files so HTML export is not going to work.
Someone emailed me that they had a great HTML export for the palm and it looked great. Unfortunately I was never able to write back and get the template or the software he was using. In his email he refers to his handheld so it might have been a PocketPC.
You could certainly use things like MobileDB, but it doesn't support images. As a perk you can then submit your feature release collection after the export to the MobileDB site and give back to the community.