To anyone out there thinking of purchasing this program . . . Don't wait, do it now you won't be disappointed. Owning one of the pedia apps is like getting cool new software all the time. They may be only on version 3.5, but a quick drive thru the forum will show you they do probably hundreds of little "silent updates" (as I have heard Conor call them). Not only that, but the silent updates are usually a feature that a user would "like" to have, usually not even something that is built into the software at the time they asked. The customer service here is so amazing, if it is possible to implement without major core rewrite they usually will have it implemented in short order. Very impressive. Couldn't ask for better software or staff.
BTW, I have no affiliation with Bruji, just a VERY satisfied and impressed user of their software. 11 stars out of 10.