I'm a Bookpedia and CDpedia user and I've been considering to get started in DVDpedia. I've been postponing the decision, though, expecting to find in each update the support for portuguese DVD's. A long time ago another user - z0mbi3 - asked for the same thing, suggested the site <
www.dvdpt.com> as a source and, apparently, was taking the task in his hands. But since no plug-in has surfaced in the meantime, I suppose he didn't. Unfortunately I know nothing about programming, so I'm not up to the job.
My collection is growing fast and I need to do something about it. So, here's the question: any plans for supporting portuguese DVD's in the (near) future? Anyone working on a plugin?
PS - By the way... I posted about the same kind of problem with Bookpedia, and the need for support for the french UNIMARC standard which apparently dominates most of portuguese libraries. Any news on that, also? Sorry for the insistence...