make sure you check out the new versions of the Pedias. Conor worked hard to improve the iSight feature (now supports built-in iSights) and the IMDb search is fixed too (wasn't working properly the past few days). There are also several bug fixes and other nifty improvements so take a look... (Oh, and finally - new help files! )
Except in "Editer" (Edit) menu where Apply Default Column should be "Appliquer les colonnes par défaut" in all the four apps, this is a great job !
These applications are more and more "french speaking friendly". I introduced several friends to them, and my husband is finally daring to "touch" them
Very well done indeed, all my congratulations and thanks to the Bruji team !
Thanks Midori - I added it to the translations already so it'll be part of the next update. And thanks for sharing the Pedias with your friends - that's our best advertising!
Congratulations on the iSight update! It works so much better then before! And you've added video mirroring -- the feature I've been begging for -- you've made my day.