CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

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CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by SaberCats2K »

CDpedia 7.0 Beta 300 and Gamepedia 7.0 Beta 301 apps can't update. When I select Check for Updates, I get the follow errors...

Image Image

This is on my M2 Pro Mac mini running macOS Sonoma 14.4 (23E214). I use iCloud Drive to store the associated pedia folders. No problem with Bookpedia 7.0 Beta 301 and DVDpedia 7.0 Beta 301.

Note that I have had this issue since macOS Ventura 13.1 (22C65) was released. At that time, Book/CDpedia 6.2.1 beta 225 and Gamepedia 6.2.1 beta 223 would not update.
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by FineWine »

Please try some or all of these Pedia Maintenance Practices
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by SaberCats2K »

I tried the first suggestion, but some of the folders/files listed were no present in the Gamepedia's folder on my iCloud Drive.



Specifically, there were no InfoTemplates or Templates folders, nor any AddMultiple.xml or *****pedia files.


And when I took at look at AppCleaner, there was no ~/Library/Application Support/********pedia as indicated in the #1 Maintenance Practices. Here's what I see...


Hope this helps.
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by FineWine »

I believe I see what your problem may be ??

You may have accidentality split some Folders and Files between your desktop hard drive and your iCloud drive. This will cause program confusion.

Please check Preferences > General > Data folder location:. In normal operations the location should be: ~/Library/Application Support/********pedia and ALL those files I mentioned in Pedia Maintenance Practices would normally be there. But what may have happened is when you moved your Database to your iCloud drive you did not carry over ALL the files.

Your iCloud drive location in Preferences should read: /iCloud Drive/********pedia

Please have a good read of: Help > ********pedia > Overview > Configuration > The database

Now as for all those Folders and Files found in App Cleaner you can delete (including the pedia app). Then reinstall your Pedia. When you fire up your Pedia first time after reinstall hold down the Option Key and select Choose Database.

You will however have to recreate your Preferences. If you are using Time Machine or some other backup (I hope you are backing up 🙏), to save you recreating your Preferences you could Restore your Preference file from prior to the update.

Also using Time Machine you could restore any relevant Folders and Files etc. that would normally be in: ~/Library/Application Support/********pedia but Restore them to your /iCloud Drive/********pedia

The /InfoTemplates and /Templates folders will not be there if you have not created your own or downloaded pedia enthusiasts templates from here: Standard Pedia Templates come as part of the Pedia Package Contents within the Pedia app itself.

If you don't find these files, e.g. the .xml files, they will be automatically recreated in your iCloud drive so long as you have correctly pointed the program to that drive in Preferences > General > Data folder location:

Remember also that there are some hidden menu tasks that you can perform:
'hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select - each in turn: 'Verify Database', 'Remove Orphaned Covers' and 'Clean Duplicates in Fields' these may not solve your problems but it wont hurt either.

Hope all of this is of help. Let us all know how you get on.
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by SaberCats2K »

Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. The odd thing, when I initially went from moving to DropBox and then iCloud Drive, everything was working for quite some time. I'll take a look at some of my other startup SSDs (Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura) and see what those folders might show.

Odd, other than downloading and replacing the ******pedia 6.2.1 apps, the Bookpedia 7.0 worked, but CD & Game didn't. Note that DVDpedia has been working the entire time.

And FWIW, when I go to Preferences > General, Data Folder location is /Users/*****/Library/Mobile Documents/ which goes to iCloud Drive.

Oh, and as for the "hidden" menu, I did those and nothing changed.

Just wanted to make sure, I do have access to these all four pedias, it just that I can't update CD or Gamepedia via the Check for Updates mechanism.
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by SaberCats2K »

With the latest updates, Book/CD/DVDpedias 7.0 (Beta 306) are working all working with the Check for Updates mechanism. But GamePedia 7.0 (Beta 306) is still having the same problem.
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Re: CDpedia & Gamepedia 7.0 can't update

Post by SaberCats2K »

This interesting... I saw that there was a "released" version of 7.0 and saw that it had an eariler Created date by 21 seconds.


So, I downloaded it and lo and behold, it works. The Check for Updates mechanism works. I then tried launching Beta 306 again, but still no joy.

So... I deleted the beta app and download the beta 306 app again. And, it's working.
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