DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

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DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by Pakou »

Mac mini M1, Monterey 12.0.1.
Fresh install.
BookPedia and CDPedia open with no problem.
DVDPedia and DVDPedia Beta 222 simply open an empty blank page and lock.
Location of the databases is the same for all.
There was no corruption of the databases, and I could open the 3 programs a few weeks ago.
Thanks for suggestions.
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by FineWine »

Can you please download the latest Pedia's Beta 223 and follow these maintenance procedures as referenced here: Pedia Maintenance Practices.

Let us all know how you get on.
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by DanThe »

FYI, I currently have the App Store version 6.2.1 of Bookpedia, CDpedia and DVDpedia installed on macOS Monterey 12.1 (21C52).

All the above apps open without any issues or problems.

It seems like that DVDpedia is the only app with the issues. The maintenance procedure link provided by FineWine is a good place to start.

However since this is the only app that is not working properly, I am curious to know if you are able to manually load/open the database file. If you have not moved your database files, that file is located in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia. Once there, look for the file named Database.dvdpd and right-click on it and select Open.

If the file opens in DVDpedia OK, then problem solved. If not, then let us know and give us the details of any errors/messages you get when attempting this.
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by Pakou »


Thanks for the replies!
Still not working with the latest Beta (I had tried before, in fact).
As for maintenance, we do that (and more) since decades... we install Apple products for our friends.
And I use the Pedias since... their creation :)
Very strange.
So  let's recap:
- Fresh install (we've done that a dozen time in the past)
- Usual maintenance procedure (Sensei, disk verification, Onyx, the whole package...)
- Database on the same SSD (internal this time) on a Mac mini M1
- Imagining that the database itself could have been corrupted for whatever reason, I tried to launch DVDPedia while selecting a backup version... same fail
- Looked for any trace of past folders left by AppCleaner... nothing.
- BookPedia and CDPedia still run like before.

So far, totally lost as what is going on!
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by DanThe »

Hi Pakou,

You mentioned:
DVDPedia and DVDPedia Beta 222 simply open an empty blank page and lock.
  • Could you provide a screen shot of the empty blank page?
  • When you say lock, can you provide more detail? Is this an error message?
  • Was the DVDpedia database restored from a backup such as Time Machine?
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by FineWine »

This could be a corrupt Preference file so could you also try the following:

Move the Pedia's Preference file to the Desktop. It can be found here: ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.*****pedia.plist

With the Pedia Quitted in the Dock totally - hold down the Option key and click on the Pedia icon in the dock. Follow the panels instructions to where your Data Base is located. You are looking for: Database.dvdpd

This will automatically recreate your Preference file with the location of the database inside of it. Of course you will have to go through all your other preference settings.

If that all works then Trash the old Preference file.
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by Pakou »

Thanks to all.
Tried many times, never worked.
Tried one last time, and this time, after a very long spinning ball (a minute or more), it opened... didn't do anything different.
The joys of computing :)

Take care,
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Re: DVDPedia refuses to open in Monterey

Post by FineWine »

DVDpedia 6.2.1 Beta 230 was released yesterday.
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