MacBook and iMac sharing CDpedia Database or alternatives

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MacBook and iMac sharing CDpedia Database or alternatives

Post by bezwick »

Hi there. Long time user of CDpedia here, though don’t often need to post as everything works fine.

I am currently using CDPedia on a 2009 iMac. I keep my Cdpedia files on Dropbox, so they are backed up, which works great! My iMac doesn’t support latest MacOS so soon it won’t support latest CDpedia. I have though just bought a new MacBook.

I will therefore run the new CDpedia on the MacBook. Should be easy enough as the files are on Dropbox. However the MacBook doesn’t have a CD drive and my current routine is to rip a CD, add CD to CDpedia using Discogs URL and then grab artwork from CDpedia and update artwork in iTunes. Where the CD is not on Discogs (about 5% of my collection) I will use Scan function to grab track names.

As the MacBook has no CD drive I will still keep ripping using the old iMac. I am wondering whether I can use the old version of CDpedia on the iMac and point it at the same database file used by the new version of CDpedia so as to keep my rip/add/artwork routine. I suspect not as - even if not on first release - the database structure will likely evolve and not be compatible with older versions.

I do also realise that having the same database file accessed by two instances of the program is a recipe for disaster as well unless you are ruthless about only running one instance at a time.

Any advice from anyone with a MacBook without a CD drive who still rips CDs?
Perhaps use Remote Disc feature or buy an external CD drive. Artwork can be added to iTunes via Covers folder on Dropbox (or Discogs) if needs be I guess.

Also, what are the licence considerations if I can run on two machines?


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Re: MacBook and iMac sharing CDpedia Database or alternative

Post by FineWine »

I love our Apple USB SuperDrive US$79.00 but in your case with your new MacBook you will also need a USB-C to USB Adapter US$19 which is sold separately. If you sold your 2009 iMac it would more than pay for these two items. This is in fact what I did with my 2007 iMac when I bought my 2013 27" iMac it also went towards upgrading my Airport Extreme Time Capsule.

Just a suggestion :D
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Re: MacBook and iMac sharing CDpedia Database or alternative

Post by bezwick »

Thanks - started looking into the external SuperDrive. The old iMac is creaking hence the New MacBook. I already bought some adapters as well for other USB devices.
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Re: MacBook and iMac sharing CDpedia Database or alternative

Post by Conor »

Hi Andrew,

Congratulations on the new computer. The old computer from 2009 should still be able to run version 5.6.1, the latest official version. The new computer will be able to run the beta version that will be 6.0, for now the database will be compatible, as the changes are about internal frameworks and I there will be no extra fields that would require a new database.

Hence for a while longer you should be able to share the data on Dropbox and use both computers. Do quit CDpedia on the new computer while using the old one, so that it refreshes the data of Dropbox after you have added CDs on the old computer. This way you avoid any possible issues from trying to merge changes done on both computers, even though Dropbox is quite good about warning about conflicts when it finds them and 6.0 will address some of the by refreshing more often.

No problem on using it on multiple computers as you or your direct family is using your license of CDpedia.
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