This may not be a support issue, but a new feature/request in DVDpedia?
I would prefer that my movie collection opens up in Grid view rather than List view when I launch DVDpedia. It appears that the program does not remember that setting and always reverts to List view on launch? I know I could just press CMD+2 after launching, but at my age every keystroke counts
Thank you for the bug report. DVDpedia is set to remember the last view used and keep the same view when opening again. Could you please check your console log for any messages from DVDpedia. You can access the console log via the application 'Console', located inside your Applications/Utilities. The newer messages are found towards the end of the log. There might be an error message from DVDpedia as to why it's not saving this information. Also do try the beta version.
What OS X version are you running, so that I can test this out with the same setup?
Hi Nora ... I launched DVDpedia a couple of times and each time the following two lines appeared at the end of Console:
12/22/15 9:02:25.011 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:02:30.494 PM Finder[472]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
I just got a new iMac 27" Retina *grin* running 10.11.2 El Capitan, but I also experienced this behavior on my old iMac 27" (circa 2007) and it persisted through a number of OSX rev''s. Thanks for helping me out and I will have a look at the beta version and post back if it fixes the problem for me.
OK, I launched the Beta, switched to grid view (w/Cmd+2) and then quit and relaunched DVDpedia several times and each time it went back to list view ... the resulting Console lines are shown below:
12/22/15 9:13:05.263 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:13:05.604 PM Finder[472]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
12/22/15 9:13:13.069 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:13:13.080 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:13:54.866 PM Finder[472]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
12/22/15 9:14:10.326 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:14:16.001 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:14:16.021 PM CoreServicesUIAgent[8997]: Error -60005 creating authorization
12/22/15 9:14:20.079 PM lsd[245]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/
12/22/15 9:14:20.814 PM Finder[472]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
12/22/15 9:14:21.380 PM Finder[472]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
12/22/15 9:14:55.000 PM syslogd[44]: ASL Sender Statistics
12/22/15 9:15:13.821 PM DVDpedia[10385]: assertion failed: 15C50: libxpc.dylib + 63930 [61AB4610-9304-354C-9E9B-D57198AE9866]: 0x89
12/22/15 9:15:49.487 PM DVDpedia[10386]: assertion failed: 15C50: libxpc.dylib + 63930 [61AB4610-9304-354C-9E9B-D57198AE9866]: 0x89
Sorry it took a while to get back into this, been doing only email over the holidays.
Could you try removing your preference file for DVDpedia. Without DVDpedia running, go to ~/Library/Preferences/ remove all the files that start with "com.bruji" in that folder, should be mainly "com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist".
Could be also worth running repair permissions in disk utility, but on the next launch of DVDpedia it should create a new preference file from scratch and then hopefully start saving the grid view information.
No worries Conner - I removed DVDpedia prefs and relaunched the program. As you might expect, “factory” default settings for the program were used. I switched to grid view and quit. When I restarted the grid view was maintained, hurrah!
Then I said to myself, “self, why don’t you carefully reset your preferences one at a time - each time quitting and restarting - to see if the problem reappears.
It didn’t take long. The first things I always do is turn off the toolbar because I want to use all available screen real estate to display my awesome movie covers. I “Opt. + Cmd. + T’d” to hide the toolbar. I quit then restarted and BAM — grid view gone; list view back. I repeated this sequence several times, each time with the same result.
So… it would seem the setting for grid view will not hold through restarts of the program if the toolbar is not displayed? Easy fix? Maybe
Thank you so much for figuring that out. Debugging is 95% replicating the issue, the 5% fix is always easy. So you have done all the hard work, the beta will now correctly select the last view even without a toolbar.
Goes to show my users and beta testers all have toolbars shown, or it's a recent change to how Apple handles their toolbar code and are now saving time and memory by not having the toolbar items if not loaded (I was relying on the toolbar item, even if not shown to keep track of the selected view the user wants to use).