Report your bugs here - if someone else has already mentioned the same bug, just add on to their post with as much info as possible to make the hunting easier.
When I import the Rating from IMDB into DVDPedia, I get "7,6 151 698 votes" for example; However, my OS X settings specified number formats would bring "7.6 151'698 votes"; Do I have a way to bring DVDPedia to import according to my settings? Note that this was working OK in DVDPedia 3 "old" version.
The format is picked up directly from the IMDb page. I have never seen IMDb change their formatting and it's always a period. Testing with the latest version gets me a period in the rating. Do check your preference at IMDb as there might be something I am not aware of that allows it to be a comma. Are you in Europe?
Thank you for the info on IMDb updating the formatting for Europe. I shall look to see if I can flip it to American via the computer preferences, but unlikely as it makes it more prone to error to read in a decimal number that might have a comma or a period. IMDb does have an site preferences under your account name, but there is no number preference, maybe changing your preferred language country to English might also change the number formatting.