I have a large collection of CDs already catalogued in Excel and would like to import into CDPedia. I can export the file as a tab delimited txt file, but what order do the various fields have to be in? Is this really simple? I haven't tried it for fear I'll have messed up what I have already done in CDpedia (imported from iTunes).
part 2: Will cd listings be duplicated if they are imported from both sources?
Thank you.
The order of the fields does not matter when importing the file. When you import the file, CDpedia will ask you to map each field to its corresponding counterpart in CDpedia via a series of pop-up menus (this becomes easier if you tell Excel to make the first line of the tab export the field header names).
After the import you will have a separate new collection created for you with the imported material for you to review. You can then select it all and drag it to the library to add it to your collection or keep it segregated if that is what you wish. (Keep in mind smart collections work with the library as a base) There will be duplicates, the one you add from filemaker and anything you have added previously. If there are not many you can weed them out by doing a title sort and looking for duplicates. There is no detect duplicates command like in iTunes yet.