I just upgraded to the new 5.1.1 version and now when i try to add a book it tried to search amazon but never ever finds anything. i also tried just typing something random like "Harry Potter" and "Hunger Games" and neither pulled anything up.
The amazon search worked in the past, but looking at their sight it looks like they changed something -- AISN seems to be gone for books -- so i am not sure if it is a bookpedia 5.1.1 problem or a general amazon search problem
amazon us search broken (Bookpedia)
Re: amazon us search broken (Bookpedia)
That's strange, it seems to work just fine here. Please check your console log for are any messages from Bookpedia. You can access the console log via the application 'Console', located inside your Applications/Utilities. The newer messages are towards the end of the log.
Re: amazon us search broken (Bookpedia)
that is really weird -- something at amazon must have been broken yesterday because today it works perfectly. i will be doing some more testing tonight (adding kids books, so not many databases are useful other than abebooks and amazon -- i will be submitting to doghouse as soon as i am done scanning 
if you don't hear back from me before tomorrow it was a fluke.

if you don't hear back from me before tomorrow it was a fluke.
Re: amazon us search broken (Bookpedia)
One other user just wrote in with some Amazon US trouble but that seems to have resolved itself too so maybe they were having server troubles. Let's hope it's all fixed now but do let me know if it comes up again.