I've been using Bookpedia for a few years but I've just update to the latest version and been able to sync with my iphone and ipad with pocketpedia.
It's working great but there is a small problem with the sorting of the titles.
It is mainly due to the articles such as "Le, La, Les, L', Un, Une..." (I'm french and I have french books). PocketPedia is able to detect these articles and put, for example "Le mercenaire" in the letter "M". But all the titles with an article are grouped together, before or after the titles without an article. For example, in the letter M, the titles are ordered as follows:
La maison du temps
La mémoire des arbres
La métamorphose
La montagne magique
Le maître de jeu
Le mercenaire
Le missionaire
Les maîtres de l'orge
Magasin général
Instead of :
Magasin général
La maison du temps
Le maître de jeu
Les maîtres de l'orge
La mémoire des arbres
Le mercenaire
La métamorphose
Le missionaire
La montagne magique
They are sorted correctly in Bookpedia.
Is it possible to fix this?
Sorting Books titles
Re: Sorting Books titles
Thank you for the bug report and the exact details, including sample titles. It's fixed in the current build (I couldn't confirm when the fix was applied I thought it should have been the case with the initial release, but apparently not). Since Apple does not make it easy to beta test iOS apps do let me know when you get 3.0.1 in a few weeks if it's not fixed. Testing with the latest build work correctly:
Re: Sorting Books titles
Thanks for the answer. I'll let you know when the new version is available if everything is OK.