Is such a feature on your to-do list for Pocketpedia? Having my collections on my phone or iPad using Pp2 is useful, but I wonder if there aren't a bunch of users who would love wireless scanning and/or storing until a subsequent sync? It would let folks, while on the go, "remember" desired items, but even better, it would untether those of us with laptops using the built in cam, by using the one on our phone or iPad. For myself, I have a website that presents my collections in HTML format (via Pedias export), so my collections in an app, although valuable, isn't entirely necessary for me but wireless scanning is perhaps my biggest wish

Food for thought and all that. Many thanks!
EDIT: In my ongoing research, I discovered that the Collectorz mobile scanning app will likely submit the barcode into the Pedias. I didn't bother trying it out as the reviews have been weak for this app. The app is distinct from their mobile database which works like Pocketpedia. However, iCody works in a similar fashion and had proven results with DVDPedia so I gave it a shot and it works like a charm. The work flow:
1)Open the Pedia of choice
2)Click the '+' icon to add a new entry
3) highlight the input field if not yet active
4) scan with one's iPhone or iPad cam and click send in the iCody app
5) the barcode is sent directly to the Pedia search field and the result is promptly displayed.
Since I was using the Macbook Pro cam, I found it tough some times to line up the scanner properly, given lighting etc. iCody in conjuntion with the desktop Pedias really simplifies things (without paying $100 or whatever for a barcode scanner). I figure, if in the future Pocketpedia could scan and search Doghouse and add to the collection (via some sync, perhaps a service you would offer or via Dropbox, Google Docs etc) on the fly that would be ideal, otherwise this makeshift workflow is excellent for the time being.