In Address Book, you have a very interesting feature, which can be seen by selecting any contact and then press the ALT key: all groups to which this contact belongs are highlighted.
I think that it could be great if this small feature was implemented in *pedias.
Highlight collections with a given book
Re: Highlight collections with a given book
That is a feature of Address Book I did not know about. Thank you for the suggestion. We use option (alt) for enhancing a lot of the regular actions, so it might not be ideal for Bookpedia. In the meantime don't forget that you can ctrl-click on an item and "Show in Collection" menu will list all the collections that contain that item.
Re: Highlight collections with a given book
Yup, yet another "hidden" Option key gem.That is a feature of Address Book I did not know about.

Anyone know of a one-stop resource describing these not-necessarily-obvious-or-documented modifier key enhanced shortcuts for various apps? Something like the Secrets database for hidden OS X settings.
I won't mind if that command was at least also available under the Advanced menu. Maybe add a toolbar Action (Gear) menu an alternative to using the main or context menus for certain commands?In the meantime don't forget that you can ctrl-click on an item and "Show in Collection" menu will list all the collections that contain that item.