i am using DVDpedia to browse and watch my movie library on a 37" hires screen. I am not using the fullscreen-mode. When i browse my lib in "grid view" the blue highlight rectangle is so thin I can barely see it. Could you please add an option or just fix it to some more pixels-width please
Also.. the shortcuts (cmd+1, cmd+2, cmd+3) for 'list' and 'grid/icon' view are swapped compared to the Finder. I always use the wrong combination (I try to use cmd+1 for grid, cmd+2 for 'list') because I'm so used to the Finder shortcuts..
And I never considered iTunes, where I rarely switch views and always use the toolbar icons to do it, which arguably makes more sense to be consistent with than Finder. Neither would be consistent with DEVONthink Pro and its shortcuts for the half-dozen views plus variations of a few of them.
Hmm, Finder is probably the only app I always use view-switching shortcuts in (relatively frequently) and always use view-switching toolbar icons (if available) in other apps (relatively infrequently).
I too never use shortcuts for switching views in iTunes. It's not a big issue for me, I just noticed the inconsistency between finder and 'Pedia. I'll leave it up to you