No problem at all! I appreciate that software is always a bit of a balancing act.
I used to love (LOVE!) Delicious Library 1.0, but in 2.0 the balance went a little... awry. Much of what was fantastic about 1.0 was lost in 2.0 and in its place lots of new features that held no use for me whatsoever (cataloguing of tools?! Export to HTML to upload and access via your iPhone - but in no particular item order and with no search facility?). I think it lost its way a little, which is a huge shame. Still, it's because of this that I discovered the Pedias, from someone else's recommendation on the DL forum - and once I tried the demo I quickly switched. You have a fantastic product and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's so easy to use, the info so editable and it's all so well integrated with the iPhone that I've recaptured that DL1.0 feeling again. LOVING the Pedias!
Can I be cheeky and make two (OK, three - no, four) more feature requests? I promise I'll leave you in peace then!
1. What are the chances of having a Bluetooth scanner connection button on the button bar at the top of each Pedia, rather than hidden away in the Help menu? And the ability to do other things whilst the Bluetooth window is open, rather than having to close it first, do whatever you need to, then open it again a minute later?
2. How about a notification alert if you happen to scan (or add) an item that's already in the library - with the ability to choose whether to add it as a duplicate, don't add, or replace the original?
3. In PocketPedia, is there any way to sync all open Pedias with the iPhone in one go, rather than having to click on each one in turn?
4. The iTunes integration in CDpedia is fantastic but the play controls are rather hidden away in the item info. Any chance of a more prominent set of play / stop / skip etc buttons?
Err, I think that's it. I started with two then thought of more...
Thanks again!